Sticks and Stones

As children, we all blurted out “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I trust that as adults we have all learned that nothing could be further from the truth. Words are powerful. Jesus emphasized this when He said,...

God’s Faithfulness

If you have ever attended any of our Ignite Conferences, you have heard me talk about how I love to circle important events and days on my calendar. This week one of those red letter days is occurring. On Saturday, Vickie and I will be attending our son...

Wisdom from the FAA

Leave it to the Federal Aviation Administration to reinforce a foundational principal for flowing in the supernatural. If you have ever flown in an airplane, you know that before the plane taxis down the runway for lift-off, a voice comes across the public-address...

The Power of Agreement

We all have children in our ministries that are “blessings in disguise.” There is always going to be that one child who has you questioning God’s promise that He would not give you more than you can bear, the child who challenges your theology and...