The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #2

Years ago, I spoke at a conference and shared a teaching entitled Why Settle for the Natural When You Can Have the Supernatural. It was evident that the room was filled with people dissatisfied with the present status of their ministry. All across the room, people sat weeping as the Holy Spirit ministered. They knew that heaven offered more than what they were experiencing. It is true. There is more. That longing and dissatisfaction within you is God's Spirit working, prompting you to align yourself with Heaven so that He can move in and among your children. Last week, I shared the first of...

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The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #1

While teaching recently at an Ignite & Unite Conference in Montego Bay, Jamaica, I taught a workshop entitled The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural. I had so much fun teaching the workshop that I'd have bought the CD of the teaching myself. The teaching is just good solid, foundational information that we need to hear over and over again. When followed, the commandments open the door for the Holy Spirit to begin to manifest in our services. For the next few weeks, I'll share these commandments with you. Please share these commandments with those who work alongside you in your...

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Lord, Do It One More Time #3

The old adage is so true. Sometimes we aren't able to see the forest because of the trees. In other words, the things (obstacles, challenges, etc.) immediately in front of us can prevent us from seeing the bigger picture (the complete work of God). It is all too easy to look at those "angels" who seemingly aren't being moved by the Holy Spirit and begin to lose hope. Week after week, you pray and prepare, pray and prepare, and then pray and prepare some more and yet what you've prayed for just isn't manifesting. The trees (the unmoved boys and girls) are preventing you from seeing the forest...

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Lord, Do It One More Time #2

Last week, I shared that if we can read in the Word or in times gone by of God working supernaturally in a certain area then we can have a precidence for asking Him doing it again. We can be confident of the fact that if God has done it before, He can do it again.The reason for this series of blogs is to show that history records times of God moving supernaturally in and through boys and girls. And, in seeing this, it should cause us to cry out, "Lord, do it again. Send your Spirit to my children's ministry. Pour out your Spirit upon my children so that they can be mightily used of you....

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Lord, Do It One More Time #1

For the next couple of weeks, I want to share about moves of God from days gone by. The reason for sharing these events is to remind us of the fact that if God has done it before, He can do it again. Seeing the Spirit of God come upon and flow through children throughout history should cause us to cry out, "Lord, do it again. Send your Spirit to my children's ministry. Pour out your Spirit upon my children so that they can be mightily used of you. Lord, please do it one more time!"Check out these records of God coming upon children...Cane Ridge Revival, Kentucky, 1801. “Little children, too,...

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