Leading a
Holy Spirit Renewal

About Billy

Billy Burns is an evangelist and revivalist, traveling the country to teach churches the personal and supernatural person of the Holy Spirit. He is the author of many ministry curriculums and audio teachings, including Inviting the Presence of God into your Children’s Ministry and more.


How I Can Help You

On this website, I hope to share with you some of the knowledge I have gained in my 40+ years of ministry. Most importantly, I want to help you know the Holy Spirit in a real and fresh way.

Splish, Splash

Splish, Splash

The truth be known—once you've worked in any form of children's ministry for any period of time, you are hopelessly, helplessly, forever and a day thinking of things through that lens. For example, walking through Walmart or Target's toy department is impossible...

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The Word-Validating Holy Spirit

The Word-Validating Holy Spirit

Several years ago, I read this powerful quote in Howard M. Ervin's These Are Not Drunken As Ye Suppose - "Truth divorced from experience must always dwell in the realm of a doubt." Go ahead and read it again, possibly a third time. To me, Ervin's statement is so clear...

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If Billy Burns Was God!

If Billy Burns Was God!

Okay, I'll 'fess up. I know that there is a God and I'm not Him. But, if I were, the Acts 10 chapter certainly wouldn't be in the Bible. If I were God and had to deal with the people involved, the culture of that day, and religious tradition, I would say that there...

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