Leading a
Holy Spirit Renewal

About Billy

Billy Burns is an evangelist and revivalist, traveling the country to teach churches the personal and supernatural person of the Holy Spirit. He is the author of many ministry curriculums and audio teachings, including Inviting the Presence of God into your Children’s Ministry and more.


How I Can Help You

On this website, I hope to share with you some of the knowledge I have gained in my 40+ years of ministry. Most importantly, I want to help you know the Holy Spirit in a real and fresh way.

Multiply the Message

Multiply the Message

Without fail, the days or even weeks after we have the opportunity to minister a Holy Spirit Rally or a Jesus the Healer Rally, I often lay in bed at night thinking about what happened in the service. I love, love, love getting the opportunity to open the Word and...

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Let Me Check Your Hearing

Let Me Check Your Hearing

Before I make the following statement, let me preface it by saying that I am not a physician and have no expertise in the medical field. I am Billy Burns and there are no medical credentials attached to my name. With that being established, here is my statement - one...

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Just Before…

Just Before…

Here's a bit of wisdom that I gained a million, billion years ago while I was still in Bible college. Amongst the many preparatory, ministry-equipping courses, I took a class that taught the art of preparing sermons and preaching. In this homiletics class, I will...

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