Leading a
Holy Spirit Renewal

About Billy

Billy Burns is an evangelist and revivalist, traveling the country to teach churches the personal and supernatural person of the Holy Spirit. He is the author of many ministry curriculums and audio teachings, including Inviting the Presence of God into your Children’s Ministry and more.


How I Can Help You

On this website, I hope to share with you some of the knowledge I have gained in my 40+ years of ministry. Most importantly, I want to help you know the Holy Spirit in a real and fresh way.

It’s the “Shall” and “Will” Time!

It’s the “Shall” and “Will” Time!

I know that the following is going to sound like the makings of a 3 AM hour-long infomercial complete with a toll-free number for you to call. You've been forewarned... Hey, my friend, do you know that just three words can change your life? Better yet, three words can...

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Hey Believer!

Hey Believer!

Hey believer, did you know that God's miracle-working power can be demonstrated through you right now, right where you are? It's true. At Walmart? Yes. At the laundromat? Yes. Waiting to get the oil changed on your vehicle? Yes. On your daily walk around the block?...

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2025 – The Year of a Mighty Holy Spirit Outpouring

2025 – The Year of a Mighty Holy Spirit Outpouring

Did you notice that I mentioned 2025? That is right around the corner, isn't it! Here is what I know to be true...in the upcoming months, God's Spirit can fall in YOUR city, in YOUR church, upon YOUR people. This includes EVERY child, teenager, and adult. The "many...

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