Be His Representative

Be His Representative

As most of you know, after I graduated from Bible college back in 1979, Vickie and I traveled for 10 years as children's evangelists conducting what was then called Kid's Crusades. For some 45 to 48 weeks a year, we would travel from church to church and use family-friendly ministry tools to share the gospel. Then, in 1989 Vickie and I began the next phase of ministry and for 25 years served as children's pastors at an incredible church in South Florida. So, as you can see, ministering to children is forever engrained in our hearts. To me (and Jesus) ministry to children couldn't, shouldn't,...

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Heaven’s Insights Communicator

Heaven’s Insights Communicator

One of the greatest joys in life that I am experiencing right now is traveling and ministering in our Holy Spirit Rallies and the Jesus the Healer Rallies. (The second greatest joy is talking about our seven wonderful, marvelous, incredible, brilliant, adorable, Nana and Papa-loving grandkids but I will save that for a future post.) It appears that many in these meetings are hearing for the first time that Jesus is still the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and the Great Physician. And, the exciting thing is that as they hear these truths, they respond, Jesus responds, and they leave the service...

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The Backstory

The Backstory

If you have read this blog post for any period of time and/or you have been in one of our Holy Spirit Rallies or Jesus the Healer Rallies, the declaration "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost" is familiar to you. With that being said, because Vickie and I are constantly meeting new people in our meetings and adding readership to the blog, many "newbies" aren't familiar with the importance and background of this declaration. Here's the backstory. One Sunday morning while Vickie and I were children’s pastors in South Florida, we had an incredible time of praise and worship with our children....

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The Power is Present

The Power is Present

Several years ago, I heard the story about the preacher's boy who while sitting beside his mother in church leaned over to his mother and whispered, "Mom, is daddy preaching or is he telling the truth?" after he heard his father tell another one of his stories in the message. If you've been reading this blog for the past few months, you've read over and over again my challenge to not only read God's Word but also to memorize it. I want to go on record and emphatically state that I'm not just preaching, I'm telling the truth and practicing the truth. I am constantly striving to commit God's...

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It Just Can’t Get Any More Simple

It Just Can’t Get Any More Simple

Here is a simple-to-the-max revelation concerning God's desire to heal you. It is found in these three verses. Matthew 4:23 "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people." NOTE - Jesus healed ALL types and variants of sickness and disease. The word "all" appears 4,664 times in the Bible and in each case, be it in the original Hebrew or Greek, the word literally means all. REVELATION - No sickness or disease was exempt from God's healing power. Matthew 9:35...

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