Multiply the Message

Multiply the Message

Without fail, the days or even weeks after we have the opportunity to minister a Holy Spirit Rally or a Jesus the Healer Rally, I often lay in bed at night thinking about what happened in the service. I love, love, love getting the opportunity to open the Word and work together with the Holy Spirit through preaching and teaching. It's through this ministry that faith begins to arise and the door is opened to God's wonder-working power. And, if it is humanly possible, that measurement of love is exponentially multiplied as I think about the things that happened during the altar ministry....

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Let Me Check Your Hearing

Let Me Check Your Hearing

Before I make the following statement, let me preface it by saying that I am not a physician and have no expertise in the medical field. I am Billy Burns and there are no medical credentials attached to my name. With that being established, here is my statement - one of the greatest problems in today's church is that those within the church have a hearing problem. This hearing problem shouldn't be taken lightly because it is literally at an epidemic level in all 31 flavors of Baskin-Robbins Christianity! This hearing epidemic might be news to you but it really isn't something that just...

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Just Before…

Just Before…

Here's a bit of wisdom that I gained a million, billion years ago while I was still in Bible college. Amongst the many preparatory, ministry-equipping courses, I took a class that taught the art of preparing sermons and preaching. In this homiletics class, I will never forget when a student asked our instructor, Dr. Jesse K. Moon these questions -"Dr. Moon, what is the very last thing that you do just before walking up to the pulpit to preach? Is it looking at your sermon notes one last time or is it asking God for His enablement?" With a stone-cold look on his face, Dr. Moon responded, "I...

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The Journey Part 3

The Journey Part 3

Sharing highlights from our 45 years of ministry in these blog posts has been so challenging. There are so many incredible stories to tell that testify of God's faithfulness, many that bring gigantic smiles, others that really tug on the heartstrings. Telling even a small fraction of the many stories of God outdoing Himself for us during our ten years as children's evangelists (1979 to 1989) and the ensuing twenty-five years as children's pastors (1989 to 2014) would turn these blog posts into a book. But wait! Don't stop reading! Our lives and ministry didn't end in 2014. There's one more...

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The Journey Part 2

The Journey Part 2

I don't know if I've ever started off a blog post with a riddle. But, there's always a first. Solve this riddle - Never ahead, ever behind, yet flying swiftly past; for a child, I last forever; for an adult, I’m gone too fast. What am I? The answer? Time. This seems especially true as Vickie and I celebrate 45 years of ministry this month. Where have these 45 years gone? The previous post The Journey Part 1 covered the launching of our ministry as children's evangelists in June 1979 and provided a few highlights of that decade of ministry. If there is a Part 1, it must be evident that Part 2...

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