Years in Ministry
Years as a Family Evangelist
Years in Family Ministry
Years as a Holy Spirit Igniter
My name is Billy Burns, and it’s so good to meet you!
On this website, I hope to share with you some of the knowledge I have gained in my 40+ years of ministry. Most importantly, I want to help you know the Holy Spirit in a real and fresh way.
Years ago, my wife Vickie and I began traveling as full-time Children’s Evangelists. In 1989, Vickie and I moved to Lake Worth, Florida to become Children’s Pastors at the 4,000+ member Trinity Church International. In addition to this new ministry, we continued to travel and minister in local churches and conferences watching children’s ministry begin to take form in the church.
Children’s Evangelist… Children’s Pastor… and now a new assignment.
Following the call of the Holy Spirit, we have undertaken an additional assignment, a mission to help usher in a Holy Spirit renewal across this nation and the world. Having watched ministries evolve over the past 40+ years, it is evident that many churches still lack one major ingredient – the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
I would love to introduce you and your ministry to the person of the Holy Spirit. I believe I can do this:
- Through my blog.
- Through my speaking.
- Through my audio teachings.
- Through my children’s ministry curriculums.
To get into the inner circle right away (for free), jump on my email list. I hope this helps you know the Holy Spirit better and minister like never before. Thanks for jumping in!
– Billy