The Pinch

The Pinch

This is too cool. I'll take it one step further. This is too cool and too simple. Just a couple of hours ago, I (with the help of the Holy Spirit) discovered the ultimate, sure-fire way to know with all certainty if God really wants you to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. I'll need you to follow these step-by-step instructions. On your right hand, fold in your middle, ring, and pinky fingers leaving only your thumb and index fingers showing. Now, move those two fingers over to your left arm and pinch the dickens on the arm. Don't hold...

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And He Gave…

And He Gave…

I will tell you upfront that this post is totally unlike anything that I have shared in the past 16 years. For maybe three months, I have sensed the need to share a quick story, a couple of scriptures, and, the reason for this post, a few questions, ones that I trust you to answer. THE STORY: Throughout the 1980s, Vickie and I traveled all across America conducting what was then called Kid's Crusades. For some 45 weeks of each year, we traveled from church to church ministering to families using puppets, blacklight stories, illustrated object lessons, etc. filling every church with families...

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The Pattern

The Pattern

Here is a statement that those of us who have had the privilege of ministering to children will quickly acknowledge with a great big "amen". Once a children's minister, ALWAYS a children's minister. Am I right? It becomes a part of our DNA. We can't help it. It's just us!!! Here's a great example. A few days ago, Vickie and I spent a rainy Monday morning leisurely walking around a nearby city's historic downtown area. While going from store to store, much to my chagrin, we ventured into an antique store. (For me, the danger of antique stores is discovering things that bring back memories of...

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The Outpouring

The Outpouring

If you have attended any of our Holy Spirit Rallies, you have heard me declare that I wholeheartedly believe that there is one last great outpouring of God's Spirit upon His church. With that in mind, I have one simple and yet profound statement to share... "No true revival has ever occurred simply because people sought revival. They were birthed when people sought Him." ~Tommy Tenney The God Chasers: Pursuing the Lover of Your Soul Now, I have three simple and yet profound questions to ask... If not you, then who? If not now, then when? If not here, then where? One simple and yet profound...

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A Testimony

A Testimony

It happened again this week...the Holy Spirit spoke, I obeyed, and well, I am a blessed man. Here's the testimony. First, you need to know the background for the testimony coming from what was at the time a ticked-off Billy Burns. This was and is my rant - I have had my fill of companies that raise their rates only to raise their rates again a few months later and then raise their rates again a few months later. To me, so many companies today are singing the lyrics of a 1970s Eagles song - "Take it to the limit, one more time". (Contrary to some people's opinion, I do know a few songs that...

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