New Testament Normal

New Testament Normal

This is a once-in-a-lifetime blog post. I'm going to share a powerful point in exactly one hundred words. As a child, I often heard my pastor, B.B. Hankins (you can tell that he was a Texan because the B.B. stood for Billy Bob) say, "If anyone should ask if you pray in other tongues, respond with a 'you mean you don't?'" In other words, Pastor Hankins was showing that throughout the Book of Acts, it was normal and expected for New Testament believers to pray in other tongues. Anything less would be considered abnormal Christianity. Let's be New Testament normal!    

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Declarations for 2024

Declarations for 2024

I know that you already know this about me but I will share it anyway. One of the greatest passions of my life is to work together with the Holy Spirit for this generation. I love each and every time that I write or say "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost!". To me, these are what I call door-opening words to ignite His involvement in my personal life and movement in our Holy Spirit Rallies and Ignite and Unite Conferences. This is truly His day. One of the many things for which I love to declare TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost is today's children's ministry. In churches all across...

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The 2023 Faves

The 2023 Faves

If I were to receive a last-minute invitation to teach in one or more conference workshops or preach in one or more church services and only given my Bible and a tablet containing this year’s blog posts to use as my teaching/preaching notes, which would be my go-to blog posts? In other words, which are my two-thumbs-up favorites (three-thumbs-up if I had three hands)? I’ll be honest. It is so, so challenging to look through this year's 51 posts and narrow it down to just five blog posts. Hopefully, my faves will become your faves. I've got my thumbs ready, how about you? It Happened in...

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Merry Christmas from Billy Burns Ministries

Merry Christmas from Billy Burns Ministries

"I am bringing you good news that will be a great joyto all the people. Today your Saviorwas born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord."Luke 2:10-11 (New Century Version) Bountiful - Abundant - Plentiful - Overflowing - Copious - Vast Christmas Blessings to You and Yours

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Oh, Yes! (Again and Again!)

Oh, Yes! (Again and Again!)

Without question, I can state that F.F. Bosworth's Christ the Healer is one of the most impactful, faith-challenging books that I've read in a long time. To borrow a couple of phrases from one of my favorite childhood cartoon characters, Hanna-Barbera's Snagglepuss, reading and meditating upon Bosworth's message and revelation of God's will about divine healing has caused me to say "Heaven's to Murgatroyd" and demand sickness, disease, and pain to say "Exit, stage left!". (My apologies to those who didn't get to enjoy the golden age of Saturday morning cartoons.) In the last post, I shared...

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