The New Me!
You'll have to forgive me for writing this post. After 16 years of writing around 45 to 50 posts per year, I am writing a post that probably is just for me. (I just looked and discovered that my first post was published in October 2007 - Happy birthday blog post!) This post is by me, for me. If you enjoy the post, well, that's just a bonus. Let me tell you about the new me! On a recent llllooonnnggg road trip with some 3,500 miles to drive, for the first time ever, I began to listen to audiobooks. With all my years of traveling, you'd think I'd have started years ago. So what did I listen to...

Got three minutes? I'm almost too embarrassed to write this post because what I am about to share is so simple. I could even add that it might be considered to be too simple. Simple or not, here it is. The three-letter word "you" is an enormously big word to God. You? Yep, you! (See, I told you that this is simple.) Let me explain. God LOVES to personalize and focus the thoughts in His Word, otherwise, we might quickly read His Word, give mental assent to what we are reading, and read into the scripture an "anybody" or "everybody" and totally miss His "you". (Before I go any further, let me...

Blindsiding Your Whats and Hows
Here is one thought about why I love the working of the Holy Spirit in my prayer life. While I might be so bright that my mother used to call me son (I don't even have to be with you as you read those last few words to know that you are shaking your head in disbelief at my feeble attempt at humor), I am honest enough to tell you that many, many, many times when I am praying about a situation or person, I am completely, totally, 100% clueless on what and how to pray. I am fully aware that my "brightness" is filled with restrictions and limitations. Can you identify with this lack? My prayers...

Even More Nuggets
In the last blog post, I ended the post with - "It is so difficult to end this blog post. There are so many more powerful nuggets that I want to share. So, guess what…I’ll share just a few more in the next post." I promised and now I'm delivering on that promise. Here are nine more powerful Holy Spirit nuggets from my quotation files. Reinhard Bonnke "No word in the New Testament suggests that we do not need what the apostles had, or that what they had could be only for them." Bonnke, Reinhard Holy Spirit - Revelation and Revolution (Orlando, FL: E-R Productions LLC, 2007), 44. Reinhard...

More Nuggets
In the last blog post, I had trouble limiting the number of Holy Spirit nuggets to share in the post. Honestly, I struggled because, over the years, I have collected so, so many powerful quotations from men and women of God that I love and honor. To me, these nuggets are just too good to remain hidden on the pages of the books sitting on my bookshelf or tucked away in Excel spreadsheets on my computer. Hopefully, you enjoyed and have meditated on the quotations that I shared. Here are a few more nuggets to enjoy and allow to impact your life. C.M. Ward "The more of the Spirit that possesses...
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