Through You and Me!
Here's a startling revelation. The days of signs, wonders, and miracles are over. Yes, you did read it correctly. Those days ended centuries ago. You don't have to spend much time searching the internet and/or watching numerous sermons on YouTube to learn this reality. (I really did write the word "reality".) And, to these individuals espousing this teaching, I say that they are absolutely, undeniably 100% correct. Yes, the days of the display of God's miracle-working power are completely ancient history. Oh, let me complete my thought by adding two words to that last sentence. Yes, the days...
Your Operator’s Manual
Floridians and those living in the states alongside the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean coastlines, here is a public service announcement. It is hurricane season and time to double-check the items on your storm preparation list. With the exception of food items, Vickie and I completed our preparation list a few weeks ago when we purchased a have-to-have biggie - an 11000-watt dual-fuel generator. For those having weathered previous hurricanes, you know the importance of having a generator to provide power to your house for the days following the hurricane should you lose electricity. Now,...
Have I Got Good News for YOU!
Let me save you some time. This blog post is only intended for those who could use a good, healthy dose of good news. If you're all stocked up and have met your good news quota, delete the post and move on. For the rest of us, here it is. Let me share three verses and ask if you can see what I see. "When they entered the city, they went to the upstairs room where they were staying. Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon (known as the Zealot), and Judas son of James were there. They all continued praying together with some women,...
Certifiably Crazy?
Be forewarned. This post will either have you thinking, "Are you really serious?" or "Billy, go for it!". I don't think that there's any room in the middle for what I am about to share. Here goes. I have thought and thought some more about the possibility of one day standing up in one of our Holy Spirit Rallies on a Sunday morning and opening up my Bible to read... "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (New King James Version) After reading the verse, I would again boldly read... "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 (New King...
Healing is Ours TODAY
For the past several weeks, I have had an unshakable stirring in my spirit concerning what God's Word has to say about divine healing. I know that I can't be alone in sensing this prompting. The need for believers to obtain what has been appropriated by Christ for them is great. But sadly, it's a subject that isn't mentioned too often in today's pulpits. While I could and perhaps should post blog after blog after blog to share about God's great desire to heal His children, I want to simply share what God's Word has to say about divine healing and then what I call healing nuggets written by...
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