It’s Really Easy Peasy!
I will readily admit that I am not the smartest person in the world. But then again, that might be open for debate. I do remember that I was so bright as a child that my mother called me son (sun). Brilliant or not so brilliant, I must confess that when I was in school, I loved taking tests that were open-book tests with the answers being easy to find in the book. In these type of tests, no thinking was required. All that I needed was a little bit of time and the ability to read. To use a Vickie colloquialism, open-book tests were "easy peasy". When it comes to the subject of the infilling...
Thank God For the Word “ALL”!
Warning .... only read the following few sentences if you are seated. I am about to amaze you. Ready? In the King James Version of the Bible, the word "all" appears 4,664 times. Of those 4,664 appearances, 982 are in the New Testament and 3,682 are in the Old Testament. Are you impressed? Wait ... there's even more. Stay seated. No matter the original Hebrew or Greek word that was translated into our English word "all", in each and every usage, "all" means "the whole amount, quantity, or extent of". Simply put, all means all! Okay, I'm through with trying to impress you. You can begin to...
Praying in the Spirit – Freedom to the Max!
If only you knew ... If only you were convinced ... If only you could experience ... the freedom that comes from praying in the Spirit, you, like the apostle Paul, would say... "I thank God that I speak in [unknown]tongues more than all of you."1 Corinthians 14:18 (Amplified Bible) Consider these four areas of freedom gained while praying in other (unknown) tongues: We bypass the restraints imposed by our mind/understanding. (Romans 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 14:2,14) The opinions, biases, and limited understanding of the natural mind play absolutely no role in the Spirit-enabled spirit...
Holy Spirit 101, The Basics
Welcome to Holy Spirit 101, the Basics, the ultimate foundational study of the Holy Spirit. As with any 101 class in high school or college, what would be an in-depth, immense teaching has been reduced to a simple, bare-bone, easy-to-comprehend overview of the subject. The subject matter in this basic teaching is taken from the introduction given by Jesus of the soon-to-arrive Holy Spirit. (John 14-16). This easy-to-remember five-word alliteration will definitely be something to share with other believers. Person - When talking about the Holy Spirit, Jesus over and over again (19 times to be...
Does God Want to Baptize You in His Spirit?
From time to time, I will hear people question for any number of reasons if God will baptize them in His precious Holy Spirit. I honestly could write pages of information and cite many scriptures to answer their question. But really, there's no need to go through all of that writing. Charles G. Finney in his Revival Lectures answered the question in just 110 words. I know that you will want to copy, paste, and send Finney's quote to many of your friends. “God says he is more ready to give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him, than parents are to give bread unto their children. Here we are...
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