The Cry of the Spirit

We're just days away from Christmas and once again I find myself wracking my brain trying to find the PERFECT Christmas gift for the most incredible wife in the world. I have already made my ANNUAL, once-a-year trip to the mall and couldn't decide upon the perfect gift for Vickie. I've even made trips to Best Buy, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, LifeWay Christian Bookstore, ... I could keep on typing the names of the stores I've visited but it makes me tired just thinking about all of the shopping that I've done and will be continuing to do.I just want to find the gift that she will really,...

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Keep It Simple

After one of our Holy Spirit Rallies a few weeks ago, the pastor of the church in which we conducted the rally posted the following comment on my Facebook page ... "It was an awesome day at Calvary Midland with Evangelists Billy and Vickie Burns. I am not sure that if in over twenty years of ministry that I have ever heard somebody teach and minister on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with such simplicity as Brother Billy. The altars were full in both services with people being filled with the Spirit of God. Thankful for all that God accomplished today at Calvary Midland!!! After reading and...

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Why Pray in the Spirit?

Several years ago, Vickie and I attended a high school class reunion in my hometown of West Columbia, Texas. If you don't know where West Columbia is, it is exactly three miles west of East Columbia, Texas. It was a great time of reconnecting with former classmates, people that I hadn't seen since our high school graduation. The joy of seeing old friends was only surpassed by the incredible Texas barbecue. I have a couple of distinct memories of the reunion. First, my biggest memory of the night was made when I discovered that the invitation's B.Y.O.B. didn't stand for "Bring Your Own...

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Open the Door into the Supernatural

Here's a confession ... I love having the opportunity to minister in our Holy Spirit Rallies. It is my greatest joy to preach about the Father's desire to give the Holy Spirit to all who ask and then see the altars filled with individuals wanting to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. The one thing that I struggle with about our Holy Spirit Rallies is the reality that for many of those who respond to the altar call and are Spirit-baptized, they will turn what was intended to be the beginning of a new intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit into an experience that they can write into their...

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The Holy Spirit @ Walmart

I seriously doubt that are too many people in our country that haven't at one time or another seen one of the most famous tag lines in modern tourism marketing "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas". Believe me when I write that I'm not sharing this tag line to promote Las Vegas or the what happens in Las Vegas mentality. I mention it only because, unbeknownst to many in the church, they have adopted this same mentality. To many, what happens in church, stays in church. Consequently, the world isn't being impacted by their lives. God isn't a fan of this mentality. In fact, He sent the Holy...

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