The Holy Ghost Lottery?
When Vickie and I lived in South Florida, I would see each day on my way to and from the church a large billboard that advertised the Florida lottery and its possible payout. At times, that payout would be in the tens of millions of dollars and others times in the hundreds of millions of dollars. To many Floridians, this was quite tempting, so tempting that thousands and thousands of people each week spent their hard-earned money for what might equal a one chance in 150 million of walking away with the lottery prize. Think about this ... a person would walk into a 7-Eleven and spend $5 or...
How Important is the Holy Spirit?
How important was the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' life? I think that P.C. Nelson summed it up the best when he wrote ... "Of all the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah, the one which Jesus pointed out in His home synagogue when He returned to Nazareth was the one in Isaiah 61: 1, 2, concerning His anointing with the Spirit. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty...
Mystified About Praying in the Spirit?
To many, God's choice of speaking in other tongues as an initial physical evidence of the Holy Spirit's indwelling and also a continual source to empower believers to make a difference in this world remains a mystery. To these Jesus-loving believers, the supernatural aspect of speaking in other tongues is too much for their natural mind to wrap itself around. Consequently, many believers choose to ignore what they don't fully understand thus causing them to miss out on one of God's greatest gifts to believers. Some time ago, I came across a quote that I consider to be the perfect answer for...
My Way of Spiritual Growth
Here is a good, practical way to allow God's Word to grow in your spirit. I find that for myself, my greatest revelation from the Scriptures comes as I read a particular verse from several translations. I am blessed in the fact that over the years, I have accumulated many, many translations including several that aren't available online through sites like Gateway Bible and Bible Hub. As I read the translations, revelation comes as the difference in the wording provides a slightly distinct insight. And, here's the part that has caused my spirit to grow, so that I won't lose or forget that...
A Miracle-Working Ministry
Why do Vickie and I travel each week to different churches and preach and teach about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the necessity of every born-again believer having a relationship with the Holy Spirit? The answer is quite simple. Without the infilling of the Holy Spirit, today's believers will never continue Jesus' earthly ministry to this present generation. How important is it that today's believers be baptized in the Holy Spirit? In reading through the Gospels, from the time that Jesus entered into the Temple as a youth until the day that He was baptized in water, we read of no...
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