The Year of the Bigger
I will admit that this blog's title is misleading. For some, it sent a chill down your spine for fear that I was advocating throwing dieting aside thus producing the need for a larger sized wardrobe. So, relax and go ahead and keep on munching on your no calorie, no sugar, no salt, no taste food and drink your no zero calorie, zero taste water. This blog is about something totally different. As we start this new year, I want to challenge you to set your sights on bigger goals and, as a result, reap bigger rewards. To further narrow the purpose of the blog, I want to challenge you to set a...
It’s Party Time!
Honest confession time ... I'll tell you up front that 78.7% of this blog's readership is far more intelligent than I am. (You do know that 84.9% of all statistics are fabricated, don't you? ... just a joke, folks!) While I was so bright as a child that my mother called me son (if you think long and hard enough, you'll understand that joke), there is still so much that I don't know and am trying to learn. So, when I learn something new or I finally understand something about which I've been confused, my brain kicks into "party mode" and it's suddenly a time for celebrating! So, before you...
Merry Christmas from Billy Burns Ministries!
Vickie and I pray that in this Christmas season and the upcoming new year that your life will be filled with His presence and the great joy that only He can bring! In 2017, we know that the God of the supernatural has powerful, miraculous plans in store for those who will work together with His Spirit. We believe that you are one of those individuals. So, get ready, get ready, get ready! Let me introduce the Burns family … On the far left is our youngest son Aaron with his wife Kaity by his side. To the right of Kaity is our oldest son Jason with his wife Elisabeth. In front of Elisabeth is...
Expect Signs and Wonders!
Before I share the following two quotes, I need to provide a warning. Perhaps I should share this warning in capital letters to place a special emphasis on what I'm about to tell you. Here it is. DO NOT READ THE FOLLOWING QUOTES JUST BEFORE GOING TO BED. If these words are fresh in your mind and spirit, it will seriously mess up your ability to sleep. I share this because of previous experiences. I guarantee that what you're about to read will cause you to want to get up and start shouting. Now that you have been forewarned, read at your own risk. The first quote is from D.W. Kerr, a...
2017 – The Year of the ALL!
God spoke through the prophet Joel promising that He would pour out His Spirit upon ALL flesh. We read in Acts 2 that in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, the ALL is seen again. The 120 were ALL in one place and one accord. The sound of the rushing mighty wind filled ALL of the house. The cloven tongues of fire rested on EACH of them. And, they were ALL filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues. A short time later that same day, Peter stood and prophesied that this promise is for YOU and YOUR CHILDREN and ALL those who are afar off. It is so evident that God's...
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