I’m a Gnawer!
If you've followed our ministry for any length of time, the name B.B. Hankins is no stranger to you. You've heard me quote my Pastor in sermons and conferences and read his powerful thoughts in this blog throughout the years. This is one that you've perhaps heard or read this quote before. "Jesus never commissioned anyone to preach a gospel that didn't include healing the sick." Taken from teachings compiled by Bob Hankins in "Success in Ministry: Lessons from a Spiritual Father" (available on Amazon) At the beginning of this year, I decided to do an intense study on divine healing based...
All Hands on Deck
In starting a new year, I always love to go back and read my Operational Manual to ensure that I am on track for what is ahead of me in the next 365 days. I do this at the suggestion presented by F.F. Bosworth in his Christ the Healer. "If you want to know how the Spirit acts now, just read how He acted when He had full possession of the Church. The book of Acts is a blueprint by which the Holy Spirit wishes to work throughout His dispensation." This year while reading the book of Acts, I received a challenge that I believe also applies to you. The challenge involves an action that the...
The 2024 Faves
If I were to receive a last-minute invitation to teach in one or more conference workshops or preach in one or more Holy Spirit Rallies or Jesus the Healer Rallies services and only given my Bible and a tablet containing this year’s blog posts to use as my teaching/preaching notes, which would be my go-to blog posts? In other words, which are my two-thumbs-up favorites (three-thumbs-up if I had three hands)? I’ll be honest. It is so, so challenging to look through this year’s 52 posts and narrow it down to just five blog posts. Hopefully, my faves will become your faves. I’ve got my thumbs...
Merry Christmas from Billy Burns Ministries
“I am bringing you good news that will be a great joyto all the people. Today your Saviorwas born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord.”Luke 2:10-11 (New Century Version) Bountiful – Abundant – Plentiful – Overflowing – Copious – Vast Christmas Blessings From Our Family To Yours Billy & Vickie Burns
It’s the “Shall” and “Will” Time!
I know that the following is going to sound like the makings of a 3 AM hour-long infomercial complete with a toll-free number for you to call. You've been forewarned... Hey, my friend, do you know that just three words can change your life? Better yet, three words can change the lives of those you dearly love. Oh, and for no extra charge, we want you to know that these words can change the life of a total stranger that you might encounter today. Okay, I will stop the infomercial pitch and get straight to the point. The three life-changing words are found in Mark 16:17. "And these signs shall...
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