The Journey Part 1

The Journey Part 1

Pardon me for taking a short trip down memory lane today. You see, during this month, Vickie and I are celebrating our 45th anniversary of serving the Lord in full-time ministry. It doesn't seem possible, but that's what the calendar is telling us. Please indulge me by allowing me to tell about God's faithfulness to and through us on our journey. First, I need to add this preface. When Vickie and I launched into the ministry, we were clueless. You see, neither of us came from homes with parents in the ministry. My dad worked for Phillips Petroleum and my mom was a first-grade school teacher....

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Tilt and More Tilts

Tilt and More Tilts

Have you got three minutes? Let me share this note I recently wrote in the margin of my Bible. (You do know that it is both permissible and advisable to write insights in your Bible's margins and also use a highlighter pen to emphasize the Holy Spirit "uh huhs", don't you?) Alongside the passage found in Luke 1:26-38, I wrote "Mary's Brain Tilters" and these eight things that sent Mary's brain into spasms. 1. The appearance of an angel. (verse 28) 2. A "Say what?" salutation. (verse 29) 3. Is the "thy womb" my womb? (verse 31) 4. This child will be called the Son of the Highest. (verse 32)...

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Insider Information

Insider Information

In this post, I want to share something that I don't believe I have shared in the 17 years of writing this blog. In this three-minute read, I want to take you to a behind-the-scenes perspective of our ministry. On numerous occasions, Vickie and I have been told by pastors that our ministry is "plowing on hard soil". In saying this, these leaders recognize that our Holy Spirit Rallies about the present-day work of the Holy Spirit are being shared with people in the congregations who are like those in Acts 19 who told Paul, "We didn't know there is a Holy Spirit". Secondly, these ministers...

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God’s Promise

God’s Promise

While ministering a couple of weekends ago, I shared the following quote from F.F. Bosworth's Christ the Healer. "When God puts a promise in the past tense, He thus authorizes and expects us to do the same." I then shared these scriptures. "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:4-5 "That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the...

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Do the Scooch!

Do the Scooch!

From the useless, trivial information about Billy Burns File - I love music. To me, the only thing better than listening to music is listening to more music. Whether I am driving, mowing, walking, eating, doing a whole lot of nothing, or doing a little bit of everything, listening to music is a MUST.  Again, I LOVE MUSIC! To feed this intense love for music, over the years I have acquired the tools necessary to be able to listen to music at any time and any place. For example, to add extra value to my shower time, several years ago I purchased a mini waterproof Bluetooth speaker. Believe me...

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