Dead Form? Here’s the Cure!

Last week, I shared some thoughts from John Wesley's Advice to a People Called Methodist. As we begin this new year, I want to share another quote from Wesley taken from his message The More Excellent Way. Consider his observation concerning the gifts and workings of the Holy Spirit:It does not appear that these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the church for more than two or three centuries. We seldom hear of them after that fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian, and from a vain imagination of promoting the Christian cause thereby heaped...

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Advice from John Wesley

While I was still in Bible College, my homiletics teacher, Rev. Jesse K. Moon, taught us that some sermons are timely (meant to be preached for a defined, specific time) and others are timeless (preachable at any time). A few weeks ago, I downloaded to my iPad a book written back in 1746 containing what I consider to be a combo message (both timely and timeless). John Wesley's Advice to a People Called Methodist was written to the fledgling group of congregations forming to become the Methodist denomination. And yet, some 260+ years later, this message and admonition needs to be preached...

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Merry Christmas from the Burns Family!

Vickie and I along with America's most adorable grandsons, our 2-year-old Gavin and 5-year-old Joey, pray that this is a blessed, Christ-filled season and that the upcoming year be a testimony of the  goodness of our God!

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The New “Normal”? (Give Me That Old Time Religion)

I'll have to admit up front that I don't watch much television. Give me an episode or two of Wheel of Fortune and perhaps a couple of cop shows and I'll have my quota of television for the week. Oh ... if there is a good World War II or Korean War movie (it has to be black and white - NO COLOR - to be considered good) on the Fox Movie Channel or Turner Classic Movie network, I'll gladly push everything aside for a couple of hours. For some time, there was a television program that was apparently a hit comedy entitled The New Normal. I never watched an episode or will ever watch the reruns....

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Let’s Turn This Around!

William Booth, the founder and general of the Salvation Army, is quoted as saying: "In answer to your inquiry, I consider the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell." Church, are we there yet? Then, children's ministry leader, you and I can change this. Through the anointed, Spirit-led children's ministry at 7255 South Military Trail, Lake Worth, Florida (feel free to substitute your churches' address),...

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