ClutterMany years ago, our girl’s ministry took on a project of cleaning the home of an elderly lady in our church. Upon arriving at her home, our suspicions were confirmed. The lady was a kleptomaniac and a horrific hoarder. Not only did Vickie and the girls find piles of things from the church including church hymnals (you do remember what hymnals are, don’t you?) they discovered mounds of garbage. The sad thing was that Grandma Klepto (that was my affectionate name for the lady) was comfortable in her lifestyle and pigsty.

Like Grandma Klepto, it is easy for those of us in ministry to become so, so comfortable in our own little world.  Many times, we don’t accurately see our situation. Our perception of our world is far different than reality. Too often, the Holy Spirit sees a little bit (or a lot) of Grandma Klepto in us and our ministry. He sees that we have attached ourselves to the (dis)comforts of our environment and traditions and are beset with so many unnecessary things that weigh us down. Our hoarding keeps us from soaring into His realm.

I want to remind you that:

  1. There are places in the Spirit where no child has ever gone.
  2. There are sites in the heavenlies that have yet to be seen by boys and girls.
  3. There are realms of worship that few children have experienced.
  4. There are depths of intercession that few have explored.
  5. There are arenas of faith that few have fought and conquered.

Stay where you are in your walk in the Spirit? Be content with the way that the children are in your ministry? Are you kidding? It’s time to the leave behind the mediocrity and clutter of this world and dare to soar into the heavenlies. Help me spread the word to other Grandma Kleptos. Today is the day to lay aside the comfort of tradition and those seven entrapping words (We’ve never done it this way before) and begin to experience the freedom of the Holy Spirit. It’s time to fly!