Helplessly Dependent on the Holy Spirit

I love going to church. I really, really do. The whole church thing isn't just a job. I love being with God's people. I love being in a service where the Holy Spirit is both seen and heard through the anointed praise and worship and Spirit-directed preaching. I love the spontaneity of the Spirit displaying His presence through the manifestation of His gifts. Nothing is more thrilling than seeing people's lives changed around the altars each week. Nope, going to church never gets old. I also love leaving church each week. My relationship with God isn't restricted to what happens at my local...

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I See a Mighty Rain Coming!

Do you ever get discouraged about what you see in your services? You know that God has promised to move on and through your children. You've even preached this to your children. And yet, what you see week after week is so disheartening. I recently read 1 Kings 18 of the account of Elijah on Mount Carmel. Rather than focusing on the battle of Baal versus Jehovah, I looked at the promise found in verse one. Elijah hears the promise from God about a massive rain coming and soon afterward announces (verse 41) the promise to all those around (especially to King Ahab). What happened after his...

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A Child’s DNA

I posted an interesting tweet on Twitter a few days ago that I believe bears repeating. See if you agree with this tweet ...If praise and worship are truly in children's DNA (Matthew 21:16), then some kids need to get a CAT Scan to see where it is hiding.Am I correct with this observation? And if I am (as though I could possibly be wrong), what is the answer for this problem?If the children aren't entering into the praise and worship of your children's ministry, you might ask yourself the following questions ...* Is the praise and worship just another part of the service or do I demonstrate...

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A Protest, A Revolution

As I write this, it is early Sunday morning, October 31st. Ahead of me today are the two Sunday morning services, a full afternoon of last minute preparation and set up for our huge Family FunFest, and then the FunFest begins at 4:30 with 2 1/2 hours of big carnival-type rides and activities and then at 7 PM we have our 1 hour salvation oriented service conducted by an awesome evangelist, Big Vinny (, ending with giving each child a bag of candy as they leave. Thinking of all that lies ahead makes me want to crawl back into bed.It is October 31st and all of America's...

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God is God! (And You’re Not!!!)

Here's a super quick thought for launching a supernatural children's ministry. Get a grip on the fact that God actually knows what He is doing. God is unwaveringly convinced that you are THE person who has been strategically placed in THE location to minister to THE boys and girls who will launch a mighty revival. In God's understanding, NONE of this is by accident. Evidently, we aren't too convinced of this fact. Too many of us have a mindset that we are just a temporary fixture in our ministry. We are there until somebody better comes along. With our inadequacies and imperfections, surely...

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