The “To” and the “What”

The “To” and the “What”

Sometimes I embarrass myself because of the "101ness" of what I share, Don't start shaking your head at the "101ness". I've got enuf edjamakashun to know that you won't find this word in your dictionary because "101ness" isn't technically a word. 101ness refers to the basic of the basics, something so elementary that its simplicity might cause it to be ignored or overlooked. Here is today's 101ness thought. While preaching last Sunday, I quoted this portion of Luke 5:17 "...and the power of the Lord was present to heal them." Later in the week, this thought (get ready for the 101ness) came...

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An Insider Secret

An Insider Secret

As you know, probably 95% of the weekly posts I write each year deal with the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, another 4% with divine healing, and the annual Christmas picture/greeting finishes off the 52 posts. Through these posts, individuals across America and several nations are reading each week mini-teachings about the present-day working of the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory. This week, I want to deviate from the "norm" and share what I consider a practical "insider" secret about my ministry and these blog posts, one that you can apply to your walk with Christ. Here's the secret...

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I've been a Christian for some 60+ years. Perhaps I should have forewarned you to find a seat and get comfortable before reading that opening sentence. 60+ years? Yes, 60+. Your surprise/shock may come from the well-kept secret explanation that I look so amazingly young because many years ago I may have had a sip or two from Ponce de León's Fountain of Youth near St. Augustine, Florida. So, what's happened in these years? Well, I've learned a thing or two from the Bible and life. Perhaps it would be better to state that I am still learning a thing or two. To be honest, even after these...

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Again for the First Time

Again for the First Time

Some time ago, the CBS television network was in the basement regarding its viewership ratings. Week after week, the ABC and NBC networks constantly outperformed their programs. After many strategy meetings, the CBS marketing team came up with this slogan - "Watch us again for the first time". In other words, they were telling television viewers to look at their dramas, comedies, and movies as though it was the very first time to ever watch a CBS program. This afternoon, I felt impressed to ask you to look at what God has to say about your children using the "again for the first time" way of...

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A Week of Destiny

A Week of Destiny

This won't come as a great revelation to you. SUMMER IS JUST A FEW WEEKS AWAY and with it comes the two- to three-month-long school vacation. For the children, it's a yippee, and for some parents an oh-me. With the boys and girls being out of school, parents are desperate to find a way for their children to, using King James English, "occupy until I come" (Luke 19:13) home from work each day. Here is what I believe to be a God idea. The yippees and oh-mes can become wow-wees for the children in your ministry. While I know that some public/private schools offer a day camp for children and...

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