Holy Spirit Tidbits

Holy Spirit Tidbits

Here's a novel idea. I'm surprised that I haven't done this before in the 15+ years of writing blog posts. For this post, I want to share what I call Holy Spirit tidbits and challenge you to ask the Holy Spirit to personalize and amplify these thoughts. Don't be in a hurry. Meditate on each of these tidbits and then get ready for the Holy Spirit to "wow" you! Acts 13:2 The Holy Spirit is the great Appointment Secretary. He knows those who should and should not be connected. Remember, just because they are good people doesn't mean that they are supposed to work together. Acts 20:22 The Holy...

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It Happened in @@@@, @@@@!

It Happened in @@@@, @@@@!

I have amazing news for you. Wait. The word "amazing" isn't big enough. I have incredible news. Nope. That's not big enough. I have unbelievable news for you. Again, that's not big enough. Oh, I've found it. I have supercalifragilisticexpialidocious news. Yep. That's it. (For the readership outside of America, the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" is taken from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins and means that something is great or extraordinary). Here is the news. The Holy Spirit that created the power-packed kids mentioned in the "Power-Packed Kids", “It Happened in Lake...

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It Happened in Humble, Texas!

It Happened in Humble, Texas!

Humble? Humble in Texas? I know that for some readers, implying that anything in Texas could be humble automatically removes my credibility. But, it's true. To put your mind at ease, the humble in this post refers to the origin of the city, Humble Oil Company, and not its citizens' personalities.  With your mind now at ease and my integrity reinstated, here is another testimony telling of God's Spirit flowing through power-packed children. The place: A kid’s camp located just outside of Humble, Texas (about 20 miles northeast of Houston, Texas)The background for the testimony: Each summer, a...

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It Happened in Chattanooga, Tennessee!

It Happened in Chattanooga, Tennessee!

The following isn't a mistake. I am purposefully typing the next sentence in all capital letters to give the needed emphasis. GOD WANTS OUR CHILDREN TO BE SAVED, FILLED WITH HIS SPIRIT, AND PACKED WITH HEAVEN'S POWER. If you have read "Power-Packed Kids" and the testimonies found in the "It Happened in Lake Wales, Florida!", and "It Happened in Lake Worth, Florida!" posts, you hafta, hafta, hafta know that this is true. I'll type it one more time. GOD WANTS OUR CHILDREN TO BE SAVED, FILLED WITH HIS SPIRIT, AND PACKED WITH HEAVEN'S POWER. As promised, here is a third testimony about...

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It Happened in Lake Worth, Florida!

It Happened in Lake Worth, Florida!

In my "Power-Packed Kids" blog post a couple of weeks ago, I promised that in the forthcoming posts to share several testimonies of children who experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. Here is the second testimony in this series.The place: A home in Lake Worth, Florida (a city adjacent to West Palm Beach)The background for the testimony: God's Spirit moved upon and through a ten-year-old boyGod’s power released through boys and girls: Early one evening as I was finishing my day at the church office and walking towards my vehicle to return home, I heard the voice of a lady calling my name....

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