It Happened in Lake Wales, Florida!
I know that this will seem egotistical when I write that I have read and reread and even rereread my last post "Power-Packed Kids". Ego has nothing to do with it. It's just that reading the post each time fans the flames of my passion for a move of God among and through our children. I am convinced that God wants to powerfully use this generation of boys and girls. He really, really does. If you missed the last blog post, I closed the post with this paragraph...As a way to encourage you to take action, I want to do something that I’ve never done in the 15+ years of writing this blog. In the...
Power-Packed Kids
Here is a conclusion that I've derived in my 40+ years of ministry - our churches are not producing power-packed boys and girls. Why? The children in our churches are not being given an opportunity to know and have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Really? Really! I know that you are agreeing with me. If allowed, your response to my statement can be reduced to you only being what I call a head nodder. You know what I'm talking about. But, just head nodding is not enough! I'm asking you to go beyond this and look closely at YOUR local children's ministry. I'm not talking about just briefly...
Ignite a Supernatural 2023
If you have followed our ministry for any period of time, you have either heard me say or read in a blog post the words "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost." No matter how many times the sentence has been said or written, it causes an enormous excitement within me. While I am thankful for the Holy Spirit's work that we read about in the book of Acts and the outpourings throughout church history, these outpourings haven't ended. TODAY is His day. I am convinced that there is a fresh 2023 TODAY outpouring. TODAY. TODAY. TODAY. No matter your age, gender, denomination or lack thereof, God's...
Just four days ago, I celebrated my 66th birthday. I know that my being 66 years old comes as a humongous shock and surprise to you. I know that I look much, much younger and behave, out of respect for myself, I will say that I never really grew up. I once heard that growing old is not an option, but growing up is. I've made that my life's directive! On this birthday, as to be expected, Vickie and our family absolutely spoiled me as we celebrated this special day. While I have lived an abundantly blessed 66 years, life is still life. Like you, I know from experience that life brings with it...
The 2022 Faves
If I were to receive a last-minute invitation to teach in one or more conference workshops or preach in one or more church services and only given my Bible and a tablet containing this year’s blog posts to use as my preaching/teaching notes, which would be my go-to blog posts? In other words, which are my two-thumbs-up favorites (three-thumbs-up if I had three hands)? I'll be honest. It is so, so challenging to look through the 51 posts written this year and narrow it down to just these five blog posts. After reading, please post your thoughts about these five faves. Declaring the Will of...
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