A Challenge

A Challenge

This blog is different from any of the previous 752 posts that I have written in the last 14 1/2 years. How? Instead of sharing a teaching, quotation, or illustration, I am simply asking you to take on a challenge. It really is a simple challenge, especially if you have a computer Bible program.  Before I share the challenge, let me mention that I almost titled this blog post "The Prepositional Holy Spirit". But, in doing so, I thought that this title might frighten those whose days of studying grammar are way, way back in their rearview mirror. So, for those individuals, let me put you at...

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The Difference Maker

The Difference Maker

For those struggling with questions about the necessity of being baptized in the Holy Spirit, it's me, Dr. Simple, checking in with what I call "simple on steroids". Simple? It really is. The answers to people's questions are found in this one verse.  "But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them..."Acts 2:14 Being baptized in the Holy Spirit will...* Change your coward factor. I have a friend named Jim Wideman who many years ago wrote "The Holy Ghost Will Take the Chicken Out of You", a song that was to become a classic song for those in children's...

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Blame Jesus!

Blame Jesus!

Vickie and I were ministering in one of our Holy Spirit Rallies some time ago and had something happen that caught me by surprise. I remember that Sunday morning service ever so clearly. Everything was going great as I spoke about the promise of the Holy Spirit. I could tell that I had everyone on board with me. Who would want to argue with me about God promising (Joel 2:28-29) and later Jesus echoing (Acts 1:4-5) the promised arrival of the Holy Spirit? After all, it's there in Bible, right?  The service continued on and went great until I mentioned that this promise came with the benefit...

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For the Sake of Our Children

For the Sake of Our Children

When we conduct our Ignite & Unite Conferences for those involved in the children and youth ministries, I always share... "I admit I once lived by rumors of you; now I have it all firsthand—from my own eyes and ears!" Job 42:5 (The Message Bible) So short and yet so powerful. Quite simply, Job is telling us that seeing is believing. I personally can testify of the importance of seeing God's presence and power put on display. You see, as a child and teenager, I repeatedly saw with my own eyes God's powerful gifts of the Spirit demonstrated. In our local church and in special meetings...

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Declaring the Will of God

Declaring the Will of God

I felt impressed to share a few declarations to decree over your children, be it your personal children or grandchildren or those sitting in your children's ministry. These powerful declarations expressing the will of God will cause much to happen! (Job 22:28). I challenge you to boldly declare each and every day... My children shall be head-over-heels in love with Jesus and know Him as their personal Savior and Lord. Satan cannot and will not have my children. My children won't have to go through hell to get to heaven. At an early age, they will begin an intimate, deep relationship with...

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