A Move of the Spirit for THIS Generation
While walking one morning last week, I listened to a teaching by Kenneth E. Hagin in which he shared the following statement: "There is a move of the Spirit that will be lost to this generation unless you teach them." Let me briefly share the significance of this powerful statement. In 2014, Vickie and I resigned from a ministry position in a tremendous South Florida church to pursue a new direction of ministry. This change wasn't anything that I had sought after. We were established in a church that we dearly loved and they in turn dearly loved us. We had been on staff for 25 great years....

My Passion
If you have attended any of our Holy Spirit Rallies or Ignite & Unite Conferences, you will find that I preach and teach solely on one subject, the Holy Spirit. When pastors call to ask us to minister at their church and ask about what I minister on, I usually reply "the platform" and then quickly follow up with the real answer "the Holy Spirit". I always tell them that if they want another subject they need to find another minister. Working together with the Holy Spirit for this generation is our passion and assignment. Sure, like any other minister, I can preach on almost any subject,...

An Experience or a Relationship?
In our recent Holy Spirit Rallies, I have sensed a strong prompting as I am preaching to spend time asking the question "Do you have an experience or a relationship with the Holy Spirit?". I believe that this is one of the most important questions that I can ask believers today. Here is what I find to be true. Many people today might be able to provide a date and occasion telling when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit. For some, their being baptized in the Holy Spirit might have been at a crusade or revival service back in xxxx. For others, this download from heaven might have happened...

A Challenge
This blog is different from any of the previous 752 posts that I have written in the last 14 1/2 years. How? Instead of sharing a teaching, quotation, or illustration, I am simply asking you to take on a challenge. It really is a simple challenge, especially if you have a computer Bible program. Before I share the challenge, let me mention that I almost titled this blog post "The Prepositional Holy Spirit". But, in doing so, I thought that this title might frighten those whose days of studying grammar are way, way back in their rearview mirror. So, for those individuals, let me put you at...

The Difference Maker
For those struggling with questions about the necessity of being baptized in the Holy Spirit, it's me, Dr. Simple, checking in with what I call "simple on steroids". Simple? It really is. The answers to people's questions are found in this one verse. "But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them..."Acts 2:14 Being baptized in the Holy Spirit will...* Change your coward factor. I have a friend named Jim Wideman who many years ago wrote "The Holy Ghost Will Take the Chicken Out of You", a song that was to become a classic song for those in children's...
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