I know that this will sound strange to some readers, but early, early, early (I’m not writing this word three times to increase the word count. It really was so very early) this morning, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “It’s time for believers to lose the Teflon”. It didn’t take much explanation on His part for me to see the need for this sleep interruption. 

Teflon is one of the most wonderful inventions of my lifetime. Without this non-stick coating on frying pans, over the years, I would have offered many, many, many burnt sacrifices to God while I was cooking. Thank God for Teflon. Listen, there’s nothing about a burnt grilled cheese sandwich that will tantalize my tastebuds. Charred scrambled eggs aren’t in the least bit appetizing. Need I say more? 

This coating on a frying pan wasn’t what the Holy Spirit was telling us to lose. (Thank God!) This morning, He told me that many believers today have a type of non-stick coating on their spirits. When it comes to His coming upon Jesus-loving believers to work in and through them, absolutely nothing sticks! The Holy Spirit went on to say that Jesus’ admonitions found in Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8 slide off of their spirit as though it was intended for someone, anyone else but them. But wait, there’s more. The Holy Spirit said to forget about many Teflon-coated believers being carriers of God’s power. Many Jesus-followers believe that this supernatural power is intended solely for some full-time, pulpit-pounding, Bible-waving ministry man or woman. Signs and wonders? You already know the answer. To the Tefloners (I just created a new word!), these just slip and slide away from them.

That was the totality of His instruction to me this morning. And, in writing this post, it is now His instruction to you too. Let’s adhere to the cry of the Spirit. Let’s lose the Teflon. I’ll type it again. LET’S LOSE THE TEFLON. Spirit-filled believer, YOU shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon YOU. Spirit-filled believer, YOU shall be clothed with power when YOU are baptized in the Holy Spirit. Signs shall follow YOU as a believer. 

Amen? Amen!