Where’s the Fire?
I know that you have probably read and possibly taught/preached the story found in 1 Kings 18 about Elijah challenging the prophets of Baal to a showdown of the gods on Mount Carmel. In this showdown, we see that both Elijah and the prophets of Baal knew how to build altars. They both knew how to gather the rocks, where to place rock upon rock, and how to use the tools necessary to make it happen. Am I right? To those in this battle of the gods, it didn't take rock(et) science (pardon the Burns humor) to build the altars. I am quite sure that both camps had built many altars in the past and...

Dependent Upon the Holy Spirit in 2022 – Part 3
Try as I may, I did my very best to get all of what I wanted to share into just two posts about my desperation to become more and more dependent on the Holy Spirit. To use a phrase that I used to say as a little boy, honest injun, it just wasn't possible. But this is my resolve. No matter how long my list might be, no matter how much that I want to continue, with this post I promise, promise, promise to end my list of reasons why this increased dependency is so critically important. 11. This dependency supernaturally downloads and magnifies heaven's love in and through me."...the love of God...

Dependent Upon the Holy Spirit in 2022 – Part 2
Trying to share everything that I wanted to share in the last blog post was like trying to squeeze a size 38 waist into a size 32 pair of jeans...it takes a lot of painful maneuvering to make it happen. Believe me, it ain't a pretty sight to behold! Rather than perform those painful contortion movements on my computer on the last post, I chose to share just a few of my reasons telling why an increased dependency on the Holy Spirit is so critically important in the upcoming months. Here are a few more of my reasons. 6. His abiding presence enables me to walk in joy independent of my...

Dependent Upon the Holy Spirit in 2022
My personal prayer for 2022 is that I will become more and more dependent upon the Holy Spirit and less and less upon my strengths, talents, and abilities. Here are just a few reasons why this increased dependency is so critically important. My natural strengths, talents, and abilities are no match against the combative, destructive, supernatural powers of my spiritual enemies. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ." Ephesians 6:12 God's formula...

Releasing God’s Power in 2022
I know that you have possibly read this story umpteen times. But, do yourself a favor and read it once again. In it, you will find the answer for seeing a supernatural manifestation of God's power for you personally and your ministry in 2022. NOW PETER and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour (three o'clock in the afternoon),[When] a certain man crippled from his birth was being carried along, who was laid each day at that gate of the temple [which is] called Beautiful, so that he might beg for charitable gifts from those who entered the temple. So when he...
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