From My Files – D.L. Moody
Did you read my recent "From My Files" post? In this post, I made a promise and I'm here now to keep my word. This is the first of several upcoming posts that will share some of the powerful thoughts, quotations, and stories that I've read, organized and stored in numerous Excel spreadsheets and MS Word document files. I believe that these treasures are just too good to keep to myself. So, without further ado (whatever "ado" is), here is the first "From My Files" post. THE BACKGROUND: In December of 1999, the Christian world honored the hundredth anniversary of the death of the legendary...

From My Files
Years ago, I heard my friend Jim Wideman say in a conference workshop that God didn't give us a brain to use for memory. Our brain was placed inside of our head for creativity. God gave us the tools to assist us with our memory. To that, I'll say a great big, hearty amen! I took what Jim said to heart. I was tired of reading a book and discovering powerful thoughts only to have them vanish from my brain within minutes of completing my reading. I would even highlight and make annotations in the book's margins and not be able to tell you more than two or three thoughts the next day. (Don't...

Holy Spirit Chewables – Part 3
I know that you might find this hard to believe, but it is 100% true. I promised myself at the beginning of this series that I would write only three posts about Holy Spirit Chewables. Here it is the third post and I so want to add a fourth and possibly a fifth post. There is still so much that I want to share. But, I'll keep the promise that I made to myself and share this final post. Maybe I will share more chewables in the future. Here are the final (at least for now) five spiritual Holy Spirit Chewables multivitamins. The "He will" in the "when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will...

Holy Spirit Chewables – Part 2
In writing the last blog post, I immediately knew that a follow-up post or two would be needed to provide additional Holy Spirit Chewables. Why? It's because I only shared five chewables in that post. Why only five? Because I know humans because I are one. (Bad grammar. Good point.) The longer the list of items, the more apt we are to race through them, check them off as being read, and then move on to the next task on their to-do list. Am I right? Come on, be honest. In this post, I am adding five more Holy Spirit Chewables. Consider each one to be your daily spiritual multivitamin. Each...

Holy Spirit Chewables – Part 1
Don't you love hanging out with the Holy Spirit? For me, it's in these times that He drops powerful thoughts into my spirit that I wind up meditating on for the next few days. I call these thoughts Holy Spirit Chewables. I believe that these chewables are just too good to keep to myself. For the next couple of blog posts, I want to share several of these chewables with this purpose in mind. I'm asking that you don't just quickly read them and then move on to your next task. Instead, I am asking that you consider these chewables to be your Holy Spirit daily multivitamin. During your daily...
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