God Really Meant “ALL” – Part 5

I know that the header states that this post's title is "God Really Meant "ALL" - Part 5" but, in all actuality, it is really "God Really Meant "ALL" - Part 4b". Here's the reason. Because of my self-imposed word count limitations, as I began to type the final portion of teaching in the Part 4 post, I knew that I would never be able to squeeze the third point into just four or five sentences. So, I shared just a few sentences and promised to pick up the teaching in the next blog post. Let me remind you of the final words that I shared in what I am calling Part 4a ... This heavenly Helper...

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God Really Meant “ALL” – Part 4

For those who might be asking yourself the question, "Why in the world is Billy making such a big to-do about this word 'all'?", let me remind you of some facts ... This heavenly Helper is desperately needed by ALL. Listen, you may be so bright that your mama calls you son (sun), but you are no match against our enemy. Lest you have forgotten, you are in a battle against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12) The natural is never strong or powerful enough to triumph over these evil forces. The Bible tells us...

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God Really Meant “ALL” – Part 3

In the last post, I forewarned you to wear your shouting clothes when you read this blog post. You are just a few sentences away from what I call a "glory jee to Besus" moment. That wasn't a typo. I'm just quoting the boy that got tongue-tied when he got excited in an old-fashioned Holy Spirit service. Here is an interesting Bible fact. (Surely, this will impress you.) According to the concordance on my Laridian PocketBible, the word "all" appears 4,664 times in the King James Version (3,682 in the Old Testament and 982 in the New Testament) of the Bible. No matter the Hebrew or Greek word...

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God Really Meant “ALL” – Part 2

ALL! I know that this is a simple, three-letter, one-syllable, easy-to-pronounce word. You probably hear this word used multiple times in a day and never give it a second thought. That was exactly my state of mind until God put some heavenly dynamite into that word and caused it to explode in my spirit. The inward explosion happened as I was reading Joel's prophecy about an outpouring of God's Spirit. This prophecy promised ... "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,...

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God Really Meant “ALL” – Part 1

I am sure that somewhere along the way, you have heard or read that reading the Bible is like peeling an onion. As you peel the top layer of the onion, you discover a whole new layer beneath the original layer and then another layer and then another layer. The same is true about God's Word. You can read a passage of scripture and then come back later to reread the passage and discover another rich truth that you originally didn't see. You can come back again later and read that very same passage for the third time and discover another truth. Let me tell you about a recent "peeling" and...

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