A 36-Inch Waist!
I often joke that preaching a sermon is comparable to trying to put a size 36-inch waist into a size 32 pair of jeans. In each and every message, there is just so much that I want to squeeze into a small amount of time. To take this a step further, I may be able to pull it off (no pun intended), but it will be one amazing challenge, to use a horrible Billyism, to pack it all in. (Please don't use your imagination to picture what I've just described. It might cause you to have nightmares tonight!). Every time that I minister, I am definitely challenged to "pack it all in" with just a few...

The Insider Secrets – Part 4
Do you remember as a young child joining your hands together and, while moving your fingers around, saying the rhyme, "Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and see all the people"? It is a cute, fun activity for children. But, if the truth is known, Satan hates the real application of this rhyme. To Satan, believers obeying God's IKEA (some assembly required) principle (Hebrews 10:25) is dangerous because it activates the supernatural "insider secrets" that I wrote about in the last post. In the final post of this"The Insider Secrets" series, I want to make it known that...

The Insider Secrets – Part 3
Did I amaze you in the last blog post with my concept that God loves IKEA? After reading that post, you will have to agree with me. God loves assembling. We see this when we read ... “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is …” Hebrews 10:25 I am so excited about today's blog post because I get to share the supernatural benefits that are gained when we as believers assemble. I'm calling these benefits "insider secrets". We Assemble Because YOU Need the Church Insider Secret #1. You are reminded that you a part of something that is bigger than yourself....

The Insider Secrets – Part 2
Believe it or not, using "The Insider Secrets" title for this series of posts wasn't my first choice. I almost chose "God Loves IKEA". Before I explain the IKEA idea, let's go back and read the verse that I shared in the last post. “Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.” Acts 3:1 How in the world does this verse tie in with "God Loves IKEA"? In this verse, we see Peter and John were on their way to the temple to assemble together with others to pray. Hopefully, by now, you are seeing the connection (no pun intended). Isn't it...

The Insider Secrets – Part 1
Recently while beginning to preach a message that I titled "The Anatomy of a Miracle" taken from Acts 3:1-8, I began to read the first few words of the first verse. While doing so, I immediately felt a prompting by the Holy Spirit to stop sharing the prepared message. Now, I will admit up front that this can be quite unnerving. The prompting was to venture into an area that I don't believe that I've ever placed an emphasis on before in our services. It all began with this verse. "Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour."Acts 3:1 I...
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