Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 19

Ready for another tool to use for sharing life-changing, spirit-equipping truths about the numerous benefits that come from praying in the Spirit? Once again, I will give a brief, skeletal overview of the illustration. Then, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can personalize and modify the illustration to become a powerful teaching tool. The Importance of Praying in Other TonguesPart 19 – Praying in the Spirit is a No-Brainer! "For if I pray in an [unknown] tongue, my spirit [by the Holy Spirit within me] prays, but my mind is unproductive [it bears no fruit and helps nobody]."1 Corinthians...

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Debunking Fake News About the Holy Spirit

Debunking Fake News About the Holy Spirit

In a day where fake news permeates our world, I want to go on record with some accurate, indisputable, up-to-date information about the Holy Spirit.  Contrary to what is propagated, there aren't two different Holy Spirits. There isn't ... A day of Pentecost, 30 A.D. Holy Spirit who delivered heaven's power and a different present-day Holy Spirit who evidently must have depleted His supernatural resources over the past 2,000 years. A day of Pentecost, 30 A.D. Holy Spirit who was very visible and audible and a different present-day Holy Spirit who is rarely seen and seldom heard. A day of...

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My Declaration for 2020

Thank God for all that was accomplished in 2019. God outdid Himself to us, for us, and through us in so, so many ways. I know that you can probably echo those same words of thanksgiving for your life, family, and ministry. In looking at 2020, let me share this powerful verse ...  "You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you;And the light [of God's favor] will shine upon you."Job 22:28 (Amplified Bible) Just typing the words of this verse stirs up an excitement and anticipation in my heart. These aren't my words. I have determined and established in my heart...

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A Few of My 2019 Favorites

This morning while getting dressed to go to church, I watched the television program CBS Sunday Morning. With this being the last Sunday of the year, almost the entire program was dedicated to highlights from the past twelve months. Not to be outdone by CBS, I too want to do some recapping. With this being the final blog post of the year, I want to look back at 2019 and share a few of my favorite blog and Billy Burns Ministries Facebook posts. Favorite Blog Posts: He's The "Five W" Holy Spirit - "Hankinsisms" - Wisdom from Pastor B.B. Hankins  -

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Fa-La-La-La-La Y’all!

It's been said that you can take a Texan out of Texas but you can't take Texas out of a Texan. With that being said, I just can’t send out a Christmas greeting to those who week after week read the blog posts without adding a little of what I call “Texanese”. So, with that in mind, here goes the greeting in my native Texas dialect. Paypul, ah shore kaynt keep kwite bout dis. Ittz tom tuh pardy. Krissmuz reminz uhs dat Godz shore powrfel. Hay’s uh murcal wurkin God. And, Hay’s upta sumpin’ dat’s defnutly speshul and iz gunna put ah smahl on yore face. Git reddy fer a reeyul big heapin helpin...

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