The Unconstrained Holy Spirit – Part 3
Man was I on the way-too-wordy side of life in the last blog post. I will make up for my being loquacious by getting right to the second constraint that we impose upon the Holy Spirit. Constraint #2 – The Not Here Constraint. We constrain the working of the Holy Spirit by limiting WHERE He can minister. Where? Yes. And, you already know where the where is. (Did that make any sense?). I'll explain by reminding you of this story ... In Acts 3, we read of Peter and John traveling to the temple. You know the story, right? On their way, they encountered a lame man sitting outside of the temple...
The Unconstrained Holy Spirit – Part 2
If you have followed this blog for any length of time or attended one of our Holy Spirit Rallies or Ignite & Unite Conferences, you have heard me state "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost!" To me, this is one of the most powerful declarations that I can announce. TODAY is His day. He is still in the Book of Acts business. If today is truly His day (and it is), then why aren't we seeing demonstrations of His presence and power? The answer is quite simple. You don't have to be a theologian or cemeterian (I mean seminarian) to see the answer. It's obvious that we have become quite...
The Unconstrained Holy Spirit – Part 1
I have never been more excited in my life. In fact, I am beside myself with excitement. (Note: Never say that you are "beside yourself" while boarding an airplane. They will try to charge you for an extra seat!) This is the greatest time in history. Why? Because God is moving in an unprecedented way all around the world. And, this massive outpouring of God's Spirit is being seen in what I call the 31 "flavors" of Baskin-Robbins Christianity. I am hearing reports coming from churches and individuals that are Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Catholic, Lutheran, Mennonite,...
Do You Need an Official Title?
Have you noticed that many people today are so into titles? So many claim to be or want to be a prophet or prophetess, apostle or epistle (is this the female form of apostle?), bishop or bishopess, ... I'll stop because I am confusing myself. I'm not into titles (especially self-given titles). So, for me, I have come to this resolve. Whenever I get my next batch of business cards printed, I want to simply list my name, contact information, and the two words "Door Opener". I don't need any fancy schmancy title or position. Just give me the opportunity to open up the door for the Holy Spirit...
Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 18
Of all of the types of blog posts that I write, without question, the Praying in the Spirit Illustrations posts are among my favorites. Why? Because I believe that each and every illustration is providing a much-needed, simple, understandable, visible help to communicate the importance of praying in the Spirit. This brings us to illustration number eighteen. Once again, I will give a brief, skeletal overview of the illustration. Then, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can personalize and modify the illustration to become a powerful teaching tool. The Importance of Praying in Other Tongues...
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