Celebrating the Journey – Part 1

Vickie and I are just days away from celebrating our 40th anniversary of being in the ministry. To us, this milestone is humongous! It's too great of a story to keep to ourselves and so I am telling our story of God's call and faithfulness in four segments. Click the link below to join us in our celebration. https://mailchi.mp/29882e7afcf7/y317k8uhdn-1447813 NOTE: I recognize that there is a large percentage of this blog's readership that connect with Billy Burns Ministries only through this weekly blog. I also know that there are a few of you that are subscribed to receive this blog AND the...

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Quotable Nuggets – Part 2

Powerful. Impactful. Shareable. These are the three best words that I can find to describe the quotations shared in this and last week's blog posts. I have gathered these powerful quotes over the years from books written by men who just didn't know about the Holy Spirit, they intimately knew Him. Without reservation, I can say that each and every quote has greatly impacted my life causing me to know and flow with the Holy Spirit in a greater dimension. And finally, while I know that I have incorporated these quotes into previous blog teachings over the past eleven plus years, they definitely...

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Quotable Nuggets – Part 1

This is so difficult for me to believe. This August will be the 12th anniversary of my writing the blog. Simple math will tell you that twelve years times 52 blog posts a year equals 624 posts about the our relationship with the Holy Spirit and insights about how to work together with Him. This week and next week, I want to go back through these twelve years and share with today's readers a few of the what I call "quotable nuggets" that have been used in previous posts. I am confident that these quotations from some of my spiritual heroes will be a tremendous blessing to you.  “In the early...

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The Supernatural Power of Communion – Part 4

I am so excited. After reading the previous three blog posts in this series, many of you have developed a new-found love and appreciation for Communion. Forever gone are the days of Communion being just a religious ritual or a "git 'er done and over with" five-minute tradition in a church service. There is now an understanding that partaking of the juice and wafer opens the door for the paid-in-full redemptive work of Christ to be appropriated. Hallelujah! While there is so much more that I could share about Communion, let me close with these two thoughts. First, please don't restrict...

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The Supernatural Power of Communion – Part 3

I have to admit that I have been mild in the first two segments of this teaching. Now, I'm going to kick into third and then fourth gear and get really, really bold. Ready? Let me state emphatically, communion isn't a meaningless tradition or powerless ritual. No. A million, billion times no. I will go so far as to state that, for the believer, the taking of the Lord's Supper can be and should be one of the most powerful connections with God. The acknowledgement of the great sacrifice and the appropriation of the benefits of the broken body and shed blood releases God's 100% supernatural,...

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