The Supernatural Power of Communion – Part 2

I am convinced of this one thing ... people are hungry for the things of God. There is a cry of desperation sweeping across the land from those longing for more of God's presence. And, I confident that you are one of those individuals. In this short blog series, The Supernatural Power of Communion, I am thrilled to share what might be for many a new way of connecting with our Father. For some readers, what I am about to share won't be a new revelation. For those readers, this will serve as a good reminder. New or "seasoned", this understanding  about the divine connection through communion...

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The Supernatural Power of Communion – Part 1

It would be interesting to take a poll and ask fellow believers to give a list of the ways that God's supernatural, miracle-working power can be released into a believer's life. I know that they would come up with one or more of the following answers: *Prayer (1 John 5:14-15)  *Prayer of Agreement (Matthew 18:19)  *Prayer of Binding and Loosing (Matthew 18:18) *The Name of Jesus (Philippians 2:9-11) *Anointing with Oil (James 5:14-15)  *Laying on of Hands (Mark 16:18) *Reading God's Word (Hebrews 4:12)   *Hearing God's Word (Romans 10:17)  *Speaking God's Word (Mark 11:24) *Anointed Prayer...

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Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 15

Over my almost 40 years of ministry, many Pastors, youth/children ministry leaders, and parents have told me that teaching on the subject of praying in the Spirit is such a challenge. To help ease their (and perhaps your) frustration, I am sporadically posting blog posts to share solid, biblically sound, simple-to-teach, simple-to-do illustrations to use while teaching on this all so important subject.Let’s look at the next illustration to teach about these benefits. Once again, I will give a brief, skeletal overview of the illustration. Then, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can personalize...

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Don’t Exclude the Babies!

I recognize that in the vast readership of this blog, I have people involved in so many different forms of ministry. I try to write with that in mind. But, for the past few days, I have felt an urgency to do something that I rarely do. I want to target just a small portion of the readership ... those in leadership positions in the church and, to be even more specific, those giving leadership to and/or ministering in the church nursery,  Before I go any further, let give this disclaimer. I know that I haven't personally been to  your church or spent time in your church nursery during a...

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Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 14

Aren't you thankful that God is still in the "I will pour out of my Spirit" business? (Joel 2:28-29) Today, all around the globe, children, youth, and adults are receiving the promise of the Father (Acts 1:4) and enjoying the enormous benefits that come from this baptism.Let's look at the next illustration to teach about these benefits. Once again, I will give a brief, skeletal overview of the illustration. Then, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can personalize and modify the illustration to become a powerful teaching tool. The Importance of Praying in Other TonguesPart 14 – Advance Your...

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