Did You Buy the T-shirt in Cowlick, Arizona?

Here is an incredible revelation. If Vickie and I had a limited amount of time to be away from our home to be in Lakeland, Florida with the most incredible kids and grandkids in the whole world (no brag, just fact!!!), we couldn't leave our home in North Richland Hills, Texas and drive west to Cowlick, Arizona and then up to Chicken, Alaska and then east to Embarrass, Minnesota and then further east to Accident, Maryland and then south to Experiment, Georgia and expect to enjoy the limited time with our Florida family. No, a million times no. While visiting these cities might be incredible,...

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Here Is What God Said About Your Children

  Each time that I read through the Bible, I am reminded again and again that God is not One to mince words. When God said something, He meant what He said and said what He meant. There is absolutely no flexibility in His communication. He said it, He meant it, and that's that. Case in point ... when God told Joel that He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, He actually meant your sons and daughters. He was talking about the children born to you ... that's right, the person whose eyes are fixed upon this screen and looking at these...

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Are You a Spiritual Streaker?

A couple of months ago, the Holy Spirit woke me up around 4 AM and gave me the strangest thought. He brought to mind a story that I wouldn't have thought of (especially in the middle of the night) in a million, billion years, The Emperor's New Clothes. The only other thing that He told me was a scripture, Luke 24:49. Being 4 AM, I didn't spend any time pondering about the childhood tale or the scripture. Surely, those thoughts could wait until a more convenient time. And wait they did. That is, until the Holy Spirit brought them back to my mind a couple of days ago.  For those unfamiliar...

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Have the Gifts of the Spirit Disappeared?

Do you ever wonder why we seldom if ever see the operation of the gifts of the Spirit in today's church? Several years ago, I read a short essay penned in 1745 by the great revivalist John Wesley to the newly formed Methodist movement concerning this question. In this writing, Wesley offers this insight ... “It does not appear that these extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost were common in the church for more than two or three centuries. We seldom hear of them after that fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian, and from a vain imagination of promoting the...

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I Have Some Confessions to Make

CONFESSION TIME - I love, love, love the Holy Spirit and I love, love, love having the opportunity to teach and preach about Him. This honestly is one my greatest joys in life! I love standing before a group of people to tell about the One sent by the Father to walk alongside believers and witnessing them begin a new-found relationship with Him. It's a bit of heaven on earth! THE CONFESSION CONTINUES - One of my greatest frustrations in life is, after teaching and/or preaching in a church, leaving the church and not having had the time to share more and more and more about the Person and...

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