A Holy Spirit Reminder

I find that sometimes, or more accurately, often, I need to be reminded about things that I already know. The information isn't something that I need to learn all over again. It is just that I haven't thought about it in a while and I need a reminder to bring the information to the forefront of my mind. In all likelihood, what I am about to share with you isn't anything new. Many of this blog's readership have known these truths forever. But, I believe that bringing these thoughts to the forefront of your mind and spirit will allow the Holy Spirit to do a fresh work in you. Here we go. While...

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Totally Dependent Upon the Holy Spirit

In reading A.W. Tozer's The Counselor yesterday, I found this powerful statement ... "There are churches so completely out of the hands of God that if the Holy Spirit withdrew from them, they wouldn't find it out for many months." ~ A.W. Tozer It is an honest assessment, isn't it. Sadly, it is true, painfully true. It is easy for churches to become such a well-oiled machine that they have absolutely no need for the Helper to do His job.  Total reliance upon formulas and current trends can cause pastors to ignore His presence and directives. But wait. I can take Tozer's statement one step...

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You Said “It”? Are You Kidding Me?

Can I please use you to vent to for two to three minutes? It happened to me some eight hours ago and I am still shaking my head in disbelief. Here's what happened ... someone messaged me and, in mentioning the Holy Spirit, they typed the word "it". I couldn't believe what I had just read. They referred to the Holy Spirit as an "it". Were they kidding me? If I could have reached my hands through my computer screen and used the internet to get to this person, I would have put a few holy slaps all over their face. (I'm just kidding about the slaps ... or kinda' kidding.) So what's the problem?...

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Limiting the Holy Spirit

One of the greatest mistakes that we can make as Christians is to limit the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. We can be honest, right? We all are guilty of doing this ... including us as ministers ... or, more accurately, especially us as ministers. To lessen the pain of honesty, I will go beyond those who stand behind a pulpit and include anyone and everyone involved in some type of leadership in the church, be it in the children's ministry or youth ministry or Sunday school classroom or senior adult ministry or music ministry or ... you can add to the list. This isn't a new problem. We...

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Filled And Enjoying the Benefits

While I was still in high school, I had a part-time job at a local grocery store, Farmer's Market. After working there for a while, I went to my boss and said, "Mr. Beal, the law says that if an employee works so many hours in a day, the employee is required to get the benefit of a break." In asking this, I was asking for a law-mandated 10 or 15 minute break somewhere in my work day. Without blinking an eye, he turned to me and said, "Burns, I gave you a break the day that I hired you." I know, or at least I think that I know, that he was joking with me. On second thought, maybe he wasn't...

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