Here’s What God Said …
I know that the following statement will challenge some people's theology but I'll share it anyways. While Vickie and I lived in South Florida, I remember a time when God clearly spoke to me while we were sitting in a movie theater (some people will stop reading after that statement) watching the seemingly endless coming attraction previews. I will never forget Him telling me that I was to start announcing at the opening of our services the coming attractions for that service. When I heard this directive, I had been in the ministry at least 25 years and had never, ever heard anything like...
Win the Battle Before the Fight Begins!
Before I share a single thought, let me go old school (whatever that means) and tell you to put on your shouting clothes. You're gonna' need them because this blog post, if applied, is guaranteed to bring about a time of shouting and rejoicing. Here's the thought ... Student ministry leader, Sunday school teacher, children's church leader/worker, mid-week Bible club leader BEFORE you walk into your ministry opportunity (also known as the battle against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places ... Ephesians 6:12), spend time preparing...
Thank God for the Holy Ghost!
I have often thought about posting a blog that would start off with the words, "Thank God for the Holy Ghost" and then repeat that sentence over and over again two or three dozen times. Nothing more would need to be added to these powerful, powerful words. In our Holy Spirit Rallies, I have repeatedly seen their power when I have said them over and over and over again and then witnessed the people respond to the Holy Spirit's tangible presence. Why do I say these words? (NOTE: stop reading right now if you are in a place that won't allow you to show emotion!) It is because the Holy Spirit is...
Answering Questions About Speaking in Other Tongues – Part 4
As a young teenager, I heard Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart declare on his ministry television broadcast, "Salvation is God's greatest gift to the world while the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is His greatest gift to the Church." While every believer glady accepts the first part of Brother Swaggart's statement, many struggle with the subject of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit especially in the area of praying or speaking in other tongues. With that in mind, I want to use this fourth blog post to answer one final question often posed by many Jesus-loving believers about this subject. Hopefully, the...
Answering Questions About Speaking in Other Tongues – Part 3
This one thing I know to be true ... when writing the Bible, God wasn't working with a publisher that demanded a certain word count before publishing the Book. Not one single word found in the Bible is a space-filler. With certainty, we know that God did not fill His Book with needless, unnecessary statements. With that being said, we should recognize that the teaching found in God's Word about being filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues is not a subject to be taken lightly. Jesus' directive for believers to "speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17) wasn't a...
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