CONFESSION TIME – I love, love, love the Holy Spirit and I love, love, love having the opportunity to teach and preach about Him. This honestly is one my greatest joys in life! I love standing before a group of people to tell about the One sent by the Father to walk alongside believers and witnessing them begin a new-found relationship with Him. It’s a bit of heaven on earth!

THE CONFESSION CONTINUES – One of my greatest frustrations in life is, after teaching and/or preaching in a church, leaving the church and not having had the time to share more and more and more about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The 45 minutes to an hour given to me to minister on a Sunday morning provides me with barely enough time to impart a minuscule of what I would want to share.

THERE’S MORE TO CONFESS – My frustration is relieved by knowing that believers can take a simple three step course of action to develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
1. Spend time with the Holy Spirit. While driving to/from work or taking a walk in the morning or evening, purpose to use that time to connect with Him. Dialogue … speak … listen.
2. Get to know Him through reading the Word.
3. Be a reader of books written by authors who intimately know Him and the benefits that come from having a relationship with Him. Please consider going to and getting these “must-have” books.
The Holy Spirit and You: Working Together as Heaven’s ‘Dynamic Duo’ by Rick Renner
* The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by John Bevere
* Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room by Kenneth E. Hagin
* How You Can Be Led By the Spirit of God by Kenneth E. Hagin
* The Walk of the Spirit, the Walk of Power by Dave Roberson (available for free download on his website

ONE FINAL CONFESSION – Vickie and I want to provide an opportunity for believers at YOUR church to begin a relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Rally could be for a Sunday morning service OR a Sunday morning AND Sunday evening service OR even a Sunday through Wednesday series of services. For more information, email me at [email protected].