A Ministry Revolution – Insight #7 – No Holding Back Allowed

REVOLUTION - (noun) - a radical and pervasive complete change in something. Of course, you already knew the definition. After all, you're a Holy Spirit revolutionary, one to be counted with those across our land that will settle for nothing less than a Joel 2 Generation, one willing to make whatever changes that are needed to see this manifest in your boys and girls. With that in mind, let's look at the next insight necessary to usher in this move of God's Spirit. I will say this upfront ... a revolution is not for the faint of heart. Leaving behind the comfort and security of "it's always...

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A Ministry Revolution – Insight #6 – One is the Loneliest Number

In this blog series' logo, I posted "Settling For Nothing Less Than a Joel 2 Generation". I am convinced that is why you are staring at a computer or smart device screen right now. You are a revolutionary longing to see a mighty move of God's Spirit upon the children in your children's ministry. I welcome you back for this sixth insight that will help launch a Joel 2 Generation. I'll say up front that this One is the Loneliest Number insight isn't one that I have heard taught at a children's ministry conference or read in any children's ministry leadership book or blog post. And, I don't...

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A Ministry Revolution – Insight #5 – Dealing With the What Ifs

There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this. We need a revolution in our children's ministries! Why? Because there is a generation sitting in our Sunday school classrooms, children's church auditoriums, mid-week Bible club rooms that desperately needs both an encounter with Holy Spirit and a constant environment that allows them to develop a relationship with Him. Sadly, in much of today's children's ministries, what is presented each week fails to provide the children these opportunities. This revolution is for those with a cry in their spirit for a change in the way things are done,...

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A Ministry Revolution – Insight #4 – Don’t Be Afraid to Park the Bus

Have you had the opportunity read the previous blog posts about launching a revolution in children's ministry? I know that these posts are connecting with the hearts of those longing for the fulfillment of Joel's prophesy of an outpouring of God's Spirit in their children and children's ministry. Around the globe, there is a cry from those that recognize that there must be more. It's time for a revolution! Beginning with my first post of this year (January 1st), I began sharing a weekly insight that will help bring about this revolution. Please pay special attention to this week's insight....

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A Ministry Revolution – Insight #3 – Preach Until There is a Breakthrough

God revealed His heart for boys and girls when He spoke through the prophet Joel and declared, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy ..." All across our land, children's ministry leaders and workers are crying out for the fulfillment of this prophesy. They aren't satisfied with anything less than a Joel 2 Generation! Many are recognizing that today's ways of doing children's ministry aren't bringing about these results and are calling for a Children's Ministry Revolution, a revolution to bring about a change. Three weeks ago, I began a series of...

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