I have often thought about posting a blog that would start off with the words, “Thank God for the Holy Ghost” and then repeat that sentence over and over again two or three dozen times. Nothing more would need to be added to these powerful, powerful words. In our Holy Spirit Rallies, I have repeatedly seen their power when I have said them over and over and over again and then witnessed the people respond to the Holy Spirit’s tangible presence.

Why do I say these words? (NOTE: stop reading right now if you are in a place that won’t allow you to show emotion!) It is because the Holy Spirit is …

before-time-was-time-existing (Genesis 1:1-2), you-changing (1 Samuel 10:6), rest-and-refreshing-blessing (Isaiah 28:11-12), anointing-bringing (Luke 4:18), forever-abiding (John 14:16), revelation-depositing (John 14:26), memory-enhancing (John 14:26), advantage-giving (John 16:7), heart-convicting (John 16:8), truth-revealing (John 16:13), direction-providing (John 16:13), Christ-glorifying (John 16:14), church-enlarging (Acts 2:41), healing-making (Acts 10:38), worship-creating (Acts 10:46), prophesying-enabling (Acts 19:6), prayer-limitations-breaking (Romans 8:26-27), righteousness-peace-and-joy-giving (Romans 14:17), hope-imparting (Romans 15:13), divine-secret-communicating (1 Corinthians 14:2), spirit-edifying (1 Corinthians 14:4), brain-bypassing (1 Corinthians 14:14), might-infusing (Ephesians 3:16), sin-cleansing (Titus 3:5), and faith-building (Jude 20).

Can you see why I gave you the warning? This is enough to get you up from your seat, throw your hands into the air, and then start shouting “Thank God for the Holy Ghost”!

I challenge you to join with me right now in making this declaration. If you will go ahead, turn off your computer, and begin to repeat “Thank God for the Holy Ghost” over and over again, you will quickly realize that you;re not being fanatical at all as you open the door for His presence.

I’m through. I can’t do any more typing other than to type one more time, “Thank God for the Holy Ghost.”

Oh … one more thing. Share this post with your family and friends so that they too can reap the benefits of honoring Him.