Maximize Your Harvest!

Here's a "Billyism" that needs to be shared with EVERYONE who has the privilege to teach or preach ... an implanted seed in a prepared soil will produce the desired harvest. Isn't the harvest really what ministry is all about? This harvest is brought in as we preach and teach the Word about a subject (prepare the soil), allow the Father to talk to the heart of the individual (plant the seed), and finally provide an opportunity for the Father bring forth the fruit (harvest). Simple? Yep. Evidently too simple. So simple that one or more of these elements are often missed in Sunday school...

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It Makes Me Wanna’ Dance!

I don't know about you, but I have already composed my "why" list of questions that I will ask immediately after I pass through heaven's gates. Here are just a few of my questions ... * Who in the world decided that it was okay to place calories in our foods? * Why couldn't Captain Kangaroo live forever and still be on television today? * Why is it impossible to eat Cheetos without the evidence being left on your fingers and lips? I know that these aren't probably important to you. But here's one last question that perhaps you have pondered ... * Why didn't God put this or a similar...

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Want to Flow in the Gifts of the Spirit?

Quite often in our Ignite & Unite Conferences and Holy Spirit Rallies, I will ask this question, "How many of you would love to flow in the gifts of the Spirit?" Without exception, the room will be filled with those desiring to be used of God in this manner. It is so exciting to see that these believers want to be used of God to edify the Body of Christ. But when asked the follow-up question "Do you know how to flow in these gifts?" it is rare to receive an answer. It's no wonder why we aren't seeing the gifts of the Spirit in operation in our gatherings. Those in our congregations...

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Smile! You’re the Focus of God’s Picture!

I don't know about you, but when I am included in a group photo, the very first person that I look for when I see the picture is myself. At first, I forget about all of the others in the picture. In fact, I really don't care what the others in the picture look like because my primary focus is on me. (Now, don't get some cocky, hotty-totty attitude. Whether or not you will admit it, you do the very same thing.) Evidently, God knows about our "me" mentality. In reading the Word, when God takes a "picture" of a crowd, we find over and over again God making a promise and immediately directing...

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What God Expects When You Minister

Want to know God's expectation for every pastor, children's/youth ministry pastor, Sunday school teacher, and mid-week Bible club teacher? It doesn't take paragraph after paragraph to tell His purpose for you stepping into a ministry opportunity. Smith Wigglesworth said it best ... "Now, beloved, I am out for men. It is my business to be out for men. It is my business to make everybody hungry, dissatisfied. It is my business to make people either glad or mad. I have a message from heaven that will not leave people as I find them." ~ Smith Wigglesworth "Faith That Prevails" Nothing more needs...

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