A Total Transformation
This is too good not to share. It's taken from the April 2016 Reader's Digest "Laughter, the Best Medicine" ... A woman noticed her husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach. "Ha! That's not going to help," she said. "Sure, it does," he said. "It's the only way that I can see the numbers." I want to help you see something that is so, so important. (The good thing is that this will require no sucking in.) Ready? Being baptized in the Holy Spirit isn't a notch on your spiritual belt that propels you above those who have yet to be Spirit-baptized. Being baptized in the Holy...
The Samuels and Samuelettes Need You!
If you have been in the children's or student ministry for any length of time, you have probably heard comments from well-meaning people that minimize the importance of your ministry. You've heard the "it's just kids" or the "when are you going to get into the real ministry" or, even worse, instead of asking about spiritual results after your service, you hear the dreaded "Did you have fun today?". If we aren't careful, we can allow these comments to cause us to adopt what I call a "spiritual babysitter" mentality. Consequently, week after week, you just make it through a service until the...
Supernatural Signs Follow Me
For the past few weeks, the Holy Spirit has challenged my heart to make Mark 16:20 my expectation for each and every time that I have the privilege to minister. "And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen." Mark 16:20 As I stand up to proclaim the Good News, I can know that I am working side-by-side with Jesus Christ and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the message will be confirmed by attesting signs and wonders. The signs that Jesus promised in March 16:17-18 should accompany or follow the preaching...
Exploits Are Waiting!
Here is an honest confession ... in reading through the Bible, I acknowledge that some portions of my daily readings are far more enjoyable than others. I always absolutely love reading through the Gospels and the Book of Acts and I struggle reading through Leviticus. It is all that I can do to labor through the laws and commands. And then, in reading through other portions of the Pentateuch, I struggle with the genealogies and the chapters telling about where the different tribes lived. I have to develop the mentality of the little caboose as it was trying to make it up the mountain by...
Supernatural Healings – TODAY!
I am so excited about the day and age in which we live. I am convinced that God is up to something supernatural and we get to be a part of it. I wouldn't trade living today for any other time that witnessed an outpouring of God's Spirit. The move of God that is presently unfolding will far exceed anything in recorded history. It truly is the day of the Holy Ghost. Here is one exciting part of this outpouring - divine healing is being brought to the forefront. The perfunctory, ritualistic healing prayer found in of many of today's churches is being replaced with the Holy Spirit showcasing His...
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