Fulfilling Your Destiny
Tell Them Your Story
Want to see a miracle? You're looking at one right now. This blog post Tell Them Your Story is just five short paragraphs. Five paragraphs is a miracle? Yep. You see, I am so passionate about the subject the five paragraphs could have easily been five pages. It is a miracle that I was able to limit the post to the five paragraphs. After reading this post, you will understand my passion. For those ministering to children and youth ... you have a powerful ministry tool available that you have probably never used... it's your testimony. Week after week, the children/youth see this really cool...
I’ve Read Your Report Card!
If you have been around me for any length of time, you know that I will never be accused of not being able to have something to say at any time, any place, or any situation. I often jokingly say that my school teacher's favorite day of the school year was the day that I was absent. Why? Because talking was my specialty. In fact, to support this claim, a few days ago I was going through several files in my filing cabinet and discovered a file that contained my elementary school report cards. With God as my witness, in looking at the report cards in grade after grade, the teachers would...
Lay the Foundation
There is a popular t-shirt that I've seen numerous times since we have been back in Texas that says, "I wasn't born in Texas but I got here as fast as I could." Evidently, that is the truth. I read recently that some 350 to 400 people move from other states to Texas every single day of the year. All that one needs to believe these statistics is a drive around the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Construction for new homes and apartment buildings is seen all over the metroplex. In some areas, all that you can see for miles is two-by-fours being hammered and bricks being laid. Here's a fact about...
He’s a Talking Holy Spirit
Confession time ... I am notorious for going to the grocery store to pick up two or three items and wind up returning home with three or four grocery sacks containing everything but the items on my list. Now, don't go and shake your head and roll your eyes at me. I am confident that you have done the same thing far more times than you will want to admit to. How does this happen? To use a phrase that my Grandma Burns used to say, "My brain leaks." In other words, we need so help with our memory. This week, I want to remind you about something that you already know to be true. Here it is ......
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