BBM – Leading a Holy Spirit Renewal

I can't believe it. I just looked at my blog's history and discovered that I have consistently published a post 52 weeks a year for just over 9 1/2 years. I honestly don't know of any blogger on the web that has published a weekly blog post for this length of time and, with rare exception, focused upon one subject, the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. At one time or another, people from over 80 countries have read at least one of the 512 blog posts, individuals from many diverse denominational backgrounds, generations varying from those considered to be "old school" to those identified as...

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I Want More!

While watching Good Morning America this morning, I learned of the new words and terms that have been officially added to the 2017 Merriam-Webster Dictionary. According to the report, more than one thousand new words have been added, including terms from recent advances in science, borrowings from foreign languages, and words from tech, medicine, pop culture, sports, and everything in between. Our language is ever-changing! (To read a list of some of the new words, click on this link.) Here is one of my favorite new terms that is now officially a part of our language ... binge-watch. If you...

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Have Miracles Ceased?

Have you ever stopped to think about how this world has changed during the brief amount of time that you've been alive? So many great things exist now and are a way of everyday life that didn't exist when I was a child. (For those of you that think that I am ancient, I will defend myself by saying that I was born AFTER Benjamin Franklin flew his kite and discovered electricity.) And, while there are so many new things, a lot of things that were a part of our daily life when we were children don't exist any longer. For example, when was the last time that you saw a J.C. Penny's catalog or a...

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The Priority of Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit

While speaking at a conference recently, I made a statement that was an eye-opener to many in the auditorium. Here is the statement ...  with little effort, I can tell the importance placed in your church upon believers being baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. How? By looking at the sermon video archive on your churches' website to see how many messages were preached on this subject ON A SUNDAY MORNING within the last 12 months. Why Sunday morning? Because that is when the largest number of people attend your church. Reality tells us that if your...

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Qualified to Minister

Here's just a quick question to ponder ... if being filled with the Holy Spirit was one of the major prerequisites for qualifying individuals to minister in the New Testament church, how can we expect any less from those who minister and assist in the ministry in today's church? While being filled with the Holy Spirit was certainly required for those preaching and teaching, Acts 6 shows us that this qualification carried over to what appears to be every area of ministry. "So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers. 'We apostles should spend our time preaching and teaching the word...

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