Making Room for a Supernatural Children’s/Youth Ministry
Moves of God’s Spirit don’t just happen. They come when people make room for the supernatural. Below are simple steps that will help usher in a move of God’s Spirit: Know the Holy Spirit, not just know about Him. He will never be real through you until He is real to you. The children/youth will never go where you have never been. God has called you to be a tour guide, not a travel agent. You have to learn the joy of traveling in the realm of the Spirit before you can lead your children/youth into this realm. Boldly and consistently declare who you are and where you are going. We aren’t the...
Want to Experience a Fresh Wind of the Spirit?
In recently reading Dr. Lester Sumrall's Pioneers of Faith, I discovered a statement that is so, so, so, so (should I continue?) powerful. Here it is ... "The majority of people throughout Church history never move beyond their first blessing from God - the salvation experience. When John Wesley began to preach sanctification - the cleaning up and discipline of your life - many denominations did not even look around. They said, "We've already got it all." Once the average believer gets in a groove, that is exactly where he or she dies. We are creatures of habit. We move ahead in almost...
Dr. Burns is in the House!
One of the few benefits of our medical insurance is that it provides us a "free" annual examination. I put the word free in quotation marks as a way of being sarcastic. In order to get the "free" thorough, head-to-toe examination, we have to pay our twelve monthly payments. And so, it is actually far from being free. If you will look at your calendars, you will find that today is the scheduled day for your annual ministry examination. And, here's the good part. It is absolutely FREE! How? Because I am asking for you as the Pastor or a children/student ministry leader or Sunday school...
You Can Get It Here!
I have just finished rereading a book that I haven’t touched in probably 15 years, Lester Sumrall’s Pioneers of Faith. In his book, Sumrall tells of the stories of many of the Pentecostal Hall of Famers, people that he personally knew and often ministered alongside, individuals like Smith Wigglesworth, P.C. Nelson, F.F. Bosworth, Donald Gee, Lillian Yeoman, just to name a few. In the first chapter, Sumrall tells of the life of a Methodist minister from Norway, Thomas Ball Barratt. In 1906, Barratt came to America to raise funds for the Methodist church, learned about the outpouring of the...
Want To See God’s Power?
Here's a no-brainer ... if you have two apples and then add two more apples, you can rest assured that you will now have four apples. Too simple? Well, it should be. Adding two plus two will always equal four. Always has, always will. It's just a given! Ready for another no-brainer? This New Testament given will have you up on your feet and shouting. I recently heard Reinhard Bonnke share ... "If we preach the original gospel, we will have the original results." ~ Reinhard Bonnke Isn't that powerful? You have my permission to shout for a couple of minutes. Okay, sit back down and pause your...
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