My FREE Gift to You

It's quite early on this Monday morning. In fact, it's just after 4 AM. Vickie and I arrived back home just 4 1/2 hours ago from our Regional Ignite the Supernatural Conference held in Lenexa, Kansas. I won't even begin to try to find the words to describe God's goodness at the conference. The words "incredible" and "awesome" fall far short. I guess that it would be safe to write that God outdid Himself as hungry people gathered together to learn how to flow with His precious Holy Spirit. I am honestly living right now in the afterglow of this meeting. While I loved each and every workshop...

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Only Radicals Need Apply

Let's be honest. It is easy to talk the talk about being a Holy Ghost children's ministry. I hear the talk from so, so many people. But, actually walking the walk for being a part of this move of God is far more difficult than flapping your lips and spitting out the rhetorical verbiage. That is why revival isn't widespread.  Seeing the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy for an outpouring of God's Spirit is reserved for a select group of people. Those who genuinely see children living in the realm of the spirit are part of a group known as The Radicals, ones who dare to go where few have ever...

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The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #10

With some 252 blog entries now posted, I believe that the entries in this series The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural have been some of the most important thoughts that I've shared. I trust that they've been a blessing both to you personally and those who work alongside of you in the children's ministry. Let's look at the final commandment in this teaching. Commandment #10 Thou Shalt be a Dunamis Person/Ministry Just before Jesus' ascension to heaven, He commanded His followers to go to Jerusalem and await the promise of the Father. (Acts 1:4) At the fulfillment of the promise, the...

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The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #9

I trust that these blog entries are being beneficial to you and that you are learning how to flow with the Holy Spirit. He truly wants to equip you so that this can be a generation that supernaturally flows with Him. Let's look at the next commandment. Commandment #9 Thou Shalt Leave Your Pride at the Front Door This commandment is significant for three reasons: 1. You will make mistakes. As with developing a relationship with any person, there will be learning times, times to gain a better understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, how to hear and recognize His voice, and how to flow with...

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The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #8

I pray that this teaching series is being a blessing to you. Please print the blogs in this series and distribute them to your Sunday school teachers, children's church volunteers, and mid-week club leaders. I am convinced that they will help usher in a mighty move of God in your children's ministry. Now, here is the next commandment. Commandment #8 Thou Shalt Be Sensitive I'll be perfectly honest. I hate, hate, hate to counsel people, especially those going through marital problems. To me, the answer to any marital problem is quite simple. It comes down to me asking one or two questions,...

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