A Case of Stinking Thinking

I am constantly amazed as I watch many children's ministry leaders and workers standing in front of children. You can tell by the way that they talk and act that an emergency medical unit would be needed if anything supernatural actually, or better yet, accidentally happened in their service. These leaders and workers have bought into the philosophy that they are "only" children's ministers. What if anything could happen in a children's service? This week, let me share a thought that will change this horrendous mindset. Consider this verse ... "The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the...

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Ministering With An Advantage

As children's ministry workers, we are always conscious of the importance of going into a ministry opportunity with the classroom properly set up, the lesson studied and restudied, and the right teaching techniques and tools ready to go. We know that the key to successful ministry is summarized in three words ... preparation, preparation, preparation. Am I correct? It's true! We want to go into the ministry time with everything working to our advantage! Allow me this week to share a thought that will "seal the deal" on what happens in your time of ministry, something that will be to your...

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My FREE Gift to You

It's quite early on this Monday morning. In fact, it's just after 4 AM. Vickie and I arrived back home just 4 1/2 hours ago from our Regional Ignite the Supernatural Conference held in Lenexa, Kansas. I won't even begin to try to find the words to describe God's goodness at the conference. The words "incredible" and "awesome" fall far short. I guess that it would be safe to write that God outdid Himself as hungry people gathered together to learn how to flow with His precious Holy Spirit. I am honestly living right now in the afterglow of this meeting. While I loved each and every workshop...

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Only Radicals Need Apply

Let's be honest. It is easy to talk the talk about being a Holy Ghost children's ministry. I hear the talk from so, so many people. But, actually walking the walk for being a part of this move of God is far more difficult than flapping your lips and spitting out the rhetorical verbiage. That is why revival isn't widespread.  Seeing the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy for an outpouring of God's Spirit is reserved for a select group of people. Those who genuinely see children living in the realm of the spirit are part of a group known as The Radicals, ones who dare to go where few have ever...

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The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #10

With some 252 blog entries now posted, I believe that the entries in this series The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural have been some of the most important thoughts that I've shared. I trust that they've been a blessing both to you personally and those who work alongside of you in the children's ministry. Let's look at the final commandment in this teaching. Commandment #10 Thou Shalt be a Dunamis Person/Ministry Just before Jesus' ascension to heaven, He commanded His followers to go to Jerusalem and await the promise of the Father. (Acts 1:4) At the fulfillment of the promise, the...

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