Take special note. This post will be a record-breaking post for it will contain only 225 words. I double dare you to count every word to verify this claim. Have you ever paid attention to the header for the fourth book in the New Testament? In the King James Version, it is titled "Acts". Other translations slightly modify the title to read "The Acts of the Apostles". I know that this is going to sound nit-picky, but "Acts of the Apostles"? Really? Consider their actions before they were baptized in the Holy Spirit. The days of them acting alone weren't anything to get excited about. But,...

Happy Dance Time!
I read a statement some time ago shared in Oral Roberts' book A Daily Guide to Miracles that totally impacted and energized my prayer life. For those not aware of this man of God, Oral Roberts was an Okie (a fact forgiven by those who are Texans) mightily used by God, especially in the area of divine healing. He was also the founder of the great learning institute Oral Roberts University located in Tulsa, Oklahoma (again, a fact forgiven by those who are Texans). All Texas/Oklahoma rivalry aside, here is his powerful statement - "Don't pray hard, pray easy...prayer doesn't do it - God...

How often have you heard individuals say, "When God is ready, He will ______"? Probably like you, I have heard this concerning salvation, divine healing, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It could come as "You know old Joe is a good man. He is kind and benevolent to his friends and family. When the good Lord is ready, I know that Joe will become a Christian". Or, "Daisy Mae (she's from the South) has been suffering from arthritis for so many years. It's to the place that the joints in her hands are so riddled with pain that she can barely shuffle the cards when she is playing Old Maid with...

Available and Sensitive!
After leading a men's small group (FYI - it's not a group of small men) a few weeks ago, I received a phone call on my drive back home from a phone number I didn't recognize. While I rarely accept a call from someone not listed in my phone's contacts, the caller identification on this call intrigued me. When I saw that the call purportedly was from the Counter Intelligence Agency for one of our military branches, I knew that I had to take the call. I was curious to learn if this government agency called to inform me that our government officially recognized that I was counter to...

Words a Child Never Wants to Hear
Does this blog's header bring back any childhood memories? That's the exact kind of look that I would give my parents when I would hear words like... "Just wait until your father comes home." I always knew those words indicated that a trip to the bedroom was forthcoming and it wasn't going to be a time that Dad and I would be talking politics. Yep, I knew that soon he'd be getting to the bottom (both intellectually and physically) of the problem. "Clean your plate of food or we'll put it in the refrigerator for when you are hungry." On those extremely rare occasions when Mom would cook liver...
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