Must-Have Resources
If you follow me on either my personal Facebook page (www.facebook.com/iambillyburns) and/or the Billy Burns Ministries page (www.facebook.com/billyburnsministries), you will often see me mention a just-published blog post and, in its promotion, the words "must-read". I use these words not because I think that I am anything special. To me, it's a must-read because the blogs are prompted by the Holy Spirit and are essential reads for those who want to follow after the Holy Spirit. Today's post is different. This isn't just a "must-read" post. This goes further in that it is also a "must-have"...

O Lord, Send the Pow’r Just Now
I know that my blog's readership is all over the demographic charts. Each week, it is read by people not only in the United States but also in other countries, young Holy Spirit lovers as well as, how can I kindly put this, not as young Holy Spirit lovers, and finally people of every kind of background. With that in mind, I know that this post will have significant meaning to some readers and others will be totally clueless. Here's the background. As I write this blog, it is early Friday evening, September 30. Right now, Vickie and I are sitting in an air-conditioned home, lights are on...

Today’s Update
Yesterday, I read a Bloomberg report online telling that Apple is working on a software fix for its new Phone 14 Pro and Pro Max. The article stated concerning the phones that were released just six days ago, "The update will be released next week, according to the company, signaling it has already identified a solution. The software fix would mark at least the second so far for the iPhone 14". Can I share information that is probably not a secret to you? During the lifetime of the iPhone 14 and its iOS 16, we can expect many more updates in the coming weeks and months. And, as these new...

Let’s Lose the Teflon!
I know that this will sound strange to some readers, but early, early, early (I'm not writing this word three times to increase the word count. It really was so very early) this morning, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "It's time for believers to lose the Teflon". It didn't take much explanation on His part for me to see the need for this sleep interruption. Teflon is one of the most wonderful inventions of my lifetime. Without this non-stick coating on frying pans, over the years, I would have offered many, many, many burnt sacrifices to God while I was cooking. Thank God for Teflon. Listen,...

I know that this might seem simple, too simple in fact, but being simple has never stopped me before. I just want to share some questions that I would ask you to ponder and come to your own conclusions. In looking at what many of today's churches preach and demonstrate or don't preach and demonstrate, I question... Has the priority/need for the Holy Spirit baptism decreased since Jesus issued His command for His followers to wait for this baptism? (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4) You know, it's no longer 30 A.D. We live in an enormously different world today, right? Is the power promised with this...
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