To the delight of some parents and the remorse of others, the start of the new school year is just days/weeks away. For the next few months, life will definitely be different! Crazy morning schedules to get the children out of bed, fed, dressed, and on their way to school followed by the daily after-school sports practices, repeated reminders to complete the homework, baths, and early bedtimes - I'm tired just thinking about your upcoming daily routines. I know that you have compiled your back-to-school preparation to-do list with:* Purchase school supplies* Find the cool trending backpacks...

The Barrier-Breaking Holy Spirit
Thank God for the Holy Spirit. Here's an observation about the Holy Spirit that I have noticed over and over again while reading the Book of Acts. When He gets involved in a situation, barriers fall to the side and are eliminated. Here are just a few. The Barrier of Insufficient Power - ELIMINATED! Acts 1:8 Our weak, limited, strained abilities disappear when we put on the wardrobe of power. (Luke 24:49) The Barrier of Limited Geographical Effectiveness - ELIMINATED! Acts 1:8 Our finger-in-the-glass-of-water effectiveness is forever erased as He enables us to turn our entire world upside...

You would think that after writing almost 800 weekly blog posts in the last 15+ years, I would have run out of ideas on what to share. I am surprising myself in writing this post. I don't think that I have ever done this before. I want to share the notes I have entered over the years in the margins of my ESV Bible, The Single Column Journaling Bible. This might be the most boring post that you have ever read or it might provide fresh insights through the revelation that I've received as I've read and reread and rereread Acts 10. The notes are concise considering I have a 1 1/2 inch column to...

Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 22
It's been over a year since I have shared an easy-to-do, easy-to-understand illustration that teaches about praying in the Spirit. Just as I have done in the previous posts, I will give a brief, skeletal overview of the illustration. Then, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can personalize and add to the illustration to create a powerful teaching tool for a sermon, object lesson, or devotion with your child or grandchild. The Importance of Praying in Other TonguesPart 22 – We Speak in the Language of the Heavenlies "If I were to speak with eloquence in earth’s many languages, and in the...

Got Hands?
I will apologize upfront. I know that this blog post that you are about to read is super, super, super, super (should I continue?) simple. It's simple and yet super, super, super, super (I really should continue) powerful and important. It all started when I read this verse. "And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch."Acts 5:12 When I read this verse, I heard the Holy Spirit ask me, "Got hands?". Of course, my affirmative answer was easy to give. It was a no-brainer. I've got two of them. I...
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