This You Need to Know

This You Need to Know

I feel that it is only right that I share this warning with those passionately wanting to move with the Holy Spirit. Having this passion isn't for the faint of heart. While so, so, so many believers will rally and walk alongside you in this New Testament pursuit of the Holy Spirit, there will be those who, because of tradition and/or denominational dogmas, will misunderstand and criticize your heart and actions. In fact, let me be even bolder in this warning. You may be the recipient of much disdain and scorn.  These reactions aren't new. Consider these examples. Acts 4:1-3 (King James...

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Let me start off with a statement that I have found to be so true. Here it is. Too often, we miss the supernatural because we are looking for the spectacular. I was reminded of this again when I read this verse. "But Peter, standing up with the eleven..." Acts 2:14 I know that you are probably wondering where the supernatural is mentioned in this verse. It's found in the words "Peter, standing up". To many, the words are overlooked because they seem to be so insignificant. Nothing spectacular can be found. But, for those with spiritual eyes, the supernatural is hiding in plain sight. Let me...

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Bold and Even Bolder!

Bold and Even Bolder!

Here's a little bit of information about myself. I am absolutely horrible when it comes to reading through the Bible in a year. It's the truth. In my daily reading, if I discover a spiritual nugget, I park my attention there. Forget about a reading plan. I gladly forfeit gaining the Bible Reading Certificate at the end of the year. Here's my Bible modus operandi. When I see a powerful truth, I will begin to look at that verse or passage from different translations. I've learned over the years that each translation sheds a little different light on a word or phrase which adds to its richness....

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God’s Spiritual Fitness Plan

God’s Spiritual Fitness Plan

Here's a truth that shouldn't come as a major surprise. You can be a card-carrying member of one of America's most popular fitness gyms LA Fitness and consistently gain massive amounts of weight and develop many preventable diseases. LA Fitnessers (this may not be the correct title for the members of LA Fitness but it sure sounds good), is this possible? You know that it is. How? By just being a card-carrying member and not engaging in the exercises in the gym. The desired weight loss and bodybuilding results are achieved only through the constant discipline to use the provided equipment to...

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The Great Mouth Filler

The Great Mouth Filler

Got three minutes? Got hours and/or days to ponder its message after reading this post? This past week while reading Acts again, I gained a fresh insight that showed me that the Holy Spirit is the great mouth filler. I received this revelation when I read Acts 1:16. “Brothers and sisters, it was necessary that the Scripture be fulfilled,which the Holy Spirit foretold by the lips of David..."Acts 1:16 (Amplified Bible) And then later... "who by the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David, Your servant, said..." Acts 4:25 (Amplified Bible) Was David the isolated person in the...

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