Dependent Upon the Holy Spirit in 2022

Dependent Upon the Holy Spirit in 2022

My personal prayer for 2022 is that I will become more and more dependent upon the Holy Spirit and less and less upon my strengths, talents, and abilities. Here are just a few reasons why this increased dependency is so critically important. My natural strengths, talents, and abilities are no match against the combative, destructive, supernatural powers of my spiritual enemies. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ." Ephesians 6:12 God's formula...

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Releasing God’s Power in 2022

Releasing God’s Power in 2022

I know that you have possibly read this story umpteen times. But, do yourself a favor and read it once again. In it, you will find the answer for seeing a supernatural manifestation of God's power for you personally and your ministry in 2022. NOW PETER and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour (three o'clock in the afternoon),[When] a certain man crippled from his birth was being carried along, who was laid each day at that gate of the temple [which is] called Beautiful, so that he might beg for charitable gifts from those who entered the temple. So when he...

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It’s Coming in 2022

It’s Coming in 2022

In rereading the Holy Spirit's Owner's Manual (the book of Acts), I have some insights about what to expect in 2022. Ready? Are you sitting down or standing up? WARNING: This will definitely cause some excitement! Okay, not true. Here's the truth. It will cause a whole lot of excitement. For those whose denomination doesn't allow excitement in the services, go ahead and react. I promise to not tell the leaders of your Chosen Frozen Church of the Redeemed. Based upon what the Manual shows, within the next twelve months you, walking hand-in-hand with the Holy Spirit, can expect to see Him:...

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The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit

The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit

When Vickie and I left our ministry of serving as children's pastors to enter into traveling to preach/teach solely on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit in 2014, I questioned the Holy Spirit. I told Him that surely this type of ministry wasn't needed in today's church. I soon learned that I was sorely wrong. I have found that today more than ever before, it seems that few believers know the enormous importance of having a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. I will be so bold as to state that this baptism is not a luxury but instead a necessity for the Christ-followers wanting to...

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Planning for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Planning for an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Many of you know that my dad passed away a couple of months ago. Since then, life has been a blur. And, I'm not talking about a little blur. I'm talking about a Texas-size, humongous blur! Planning for Dad's funeral, moving all of his belongings to our garage, conducting an estate sale, beginning the process to put our home on the market so that we can move to Florida (decluttering, initial packing, staging), working with multiple showings (having the house immaculate, leaving and being gone for the showings), negotiation with the potential buyer (going on today), traveling to Florida to...

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