From My Files – Ignaz Semmelweis
THE BACKGROUND: Semmelwhat? No, it is Semmelweis. Semmelwho? Ignaz Semmelweis (pronounced IG-nahts ZEM-uhl-vice). I am confident that very few if any of this blog's readership has heard of Semmelweis (1818-1865). After reading the following story, I believe that you will understand why some 35+ years ago I added his story to my files and tell it often in my conference workshops. THE STORY ADDED TO MY FILES: In the mid-1800s, a Hungarian physician named Ignaz Semmelweis taught and practiced medicine in the first clinic of the lying-in division of the Vienna General Hospital. As an...

My Powerful Gift to You
For this blog post, I want to depart from the expected, the norm, the predictable. Yep, you read it correctly. in this post, Mister (or brother if you are super spiritual) I-love-the-Holy-Spirit isn't going to share any teaching or insight on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Instead, I want to share a gift, one that I honestly believe will bless you over and over again. I say the words "honestly believe" because I speak from experience. This document has been and continues to be just what I need, just when I need it. I SHALL NOT WANT REALITIES (PDF) By clicking on the link shown...

The Faves
If I were to receive a last-minute invitation to teach in one or more conference workshops or preach in one or more church services and only given my Bible and a tablet containing this year's blog posts to use as my teaching/preaching notes, which would be my go-to blog posts? In other words, which are my two-thumbs-up favorites (three-thumbs-up if I had three hands)? A 36-Inch Waist! (November 2) I have found Jesus to be what I call the Master Packer. In just forty words, Jesus packed an enormous amount of revelation about the Holy Spirit. Dressed in the Fashions of Heaven (August 3) This...

From My Files – Thomas Ball Barratt
THE BACKGROUND: I know that the name Thomas Ball Barratt (1862-1940) isn't well-known. It was through this Norwegian Spirit-baptized Methodist that the Pentecostal message was introduced in Norway and spread throughout all of Europe. Read the following story about his Spirit baptism and then I'll tell why I added it to my files many years ago and tell it often in our Ignite & Unite Conferences. THE STORY ADDED TO MY FILES: He said that it happened when he came to the United States in 1906, although his purpose in visiting this country was to raise funds for the Methodist church, not...

From My Files – John Wesley
THE BACKGROUND: The Methodist church was the fruit of John Wesley's attempt some 300 years ago to reform the spiritually dormant and corrupt Anglican church. The movement, however, became separate from its parent body and developed into an autonomous church. Wesley's love of God's Word, passion for souls, and desire to be used of the Holy Spirit birthed a work that has impacted the world. Here are two of Wesley's quotes and a story that I added to my files over the years.THE QUOTE ADDED TO MY FILES: "I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in...
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