It happened again. When I began to pull Smith Wigglesworth quotations from my files, I could immediately see that there are just too many powerful, preachable, liveable truths about the Holy Spirit to place into one single blog post. Thankfully, the solution became quite simple. What could be one extra-long, wordy post is now two much shorter posts. Read, meditate, and then add these spiritual nuggets to your personal list of resources. 

THE BACKGROUND: I will admit up front that many of this blog’s readership has never heard of Smith Wigglesworth (1859 – 1947). Originally a plumber by trade, once saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit, this British evangelist literally impacted the globe with his daring faith. 


  1. When the power of the Holy Ghost is present, things will happen.
  2. A man filled with the Holy Spirit is no longer an ordinary man.
  3. To receive the Holy Ghost is to receive power with God and power with man.
  4. When the Holy Spirit comes He always brings a rich revelation of Christ.

THE QUOTES SOURCEThese quotes are taken from Smith Wigglesworth’s Faith that Prevails (Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1938).


  1. The Holy Ghost wants to get you ready for stretching yourself out to God and believe that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
  2. When the Spirit of the Lord is upon us, we impart not words but life.

THE QUOTES SOURCEThese quotes are taken from Roberts Liardon’s Smith Wigglesworth Speaks to Students of the Bible (Tulsa, OK: Albury Publishing, 1998).


  1. You can do more in one year if you are really filled with the Holy Ghost than you can do in fifty years apart from him. I pray that you may be so filled with him that it will not be possible for you to move without a revival of some kind resulting.
  2. The secret for the future Is living and moving in the power of the Holy Ghost.
  3. If you want an assembly full of life you must have an assembly in which the Spirit of God is manifested.
  4. The man who is filled with the Holy Ghost is always in an acting place.

THE QUOTES SOURCEThese quotes are taken from Wayne L Warner and Joyce Lee’s The Essential Smith Wigglesworth (Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications, 1999).